Final Review Report (Grad Students: 60% of Grade)
Students will prepare a final report for their systematic review in the style of a journal manuscript that follows the reporting guidelines for systematic reviews (i.e. PRISMA.). You are strongly encouraged to read the reporting guideline and use the associated checklist to ensure that all elements are included in your final report. Please structure your report using the following headings and subheadings (can be adapted to meet the needs of your report):
A. Abstract (250 words)
B. Background
– Objectives
C. Methods
– Search Strategy
– Study Selection
– Data Collection
– Risk of Bias
– Data Synthesis
D. Results
– Study Characteristics
– Qualitative Synthesis of Results
– Risk of Bias
E. Discussion
– Summary of Evidence
– Limitations
– Conclusions
F. References
G. Figures and Tables
– Figure 1: PRISMA flow chart
– Table 2: Risk of Bias Findings
– Appendix 1: Search Terms
Double spaced and use 12-point font with 1” margins. Please use a numeric referencing format (e.g. Vancouver, AMA, etc.). You are encouraged to use and expand on material from your journal entries and review protocol to complete this final report.
Key Notes
– I need focus on Results, synthesis of results and comparison of study Results across studies
a pooled estimate of effects/ different outcome combining all the articles should be synthesized with some comparisons.
so – I need a forest plot
– I need focus on Discussion—summary of evidence,
– I need focus on Limitations and conclusions
Things I do not need or I can do by myself
1. Background
2. Prisma flow chart