Directions: Write a comprehensive essay to address the following:
Choose 1 (one) presidential administration from John F. Kennedy through Barak
Obama and discuss 3 (three) major achievements in that administration. Discuss
the achievements through the “role” the president played. For example, was it a
“Commander in Chief” role? Chief Legislator? Etc.
Instructions for success: This should be a COMPREHENSIVE essay. It should consist
of 4-5 pages double-spaced 12 font, in inch margins, and should CAREFULLY
discuss the challenges/issues which faced that given administration. For example,
you may choose Kennedy and the “Cuban Missile Crisis” as one of your 3 issues. It
is expected that you cover the problem completely, the challenge, the “hat” or
role the President played (this is where it is VITALLY IMPORTANT that you read
your book to understand the various roles – both constitutional and extraconstitutional the President plays).