AP is a continuous assignment based on my CP assignment which I have uploaded.
In the CP presented the significance of a social issue WITHOUT an argument. For the AP, you are expected to use the solutions you have found during the CP research process and suggest methods of how they can be improved
Ex: If legislation is too broad and lets cyberbullies slip through the cracks, are there other countries/states that implement laws that specifically target cyberbullies?
Ex: If “fake news” is becoming increasingly problematic, are there solutions to it (Facebook/Twitter banning posts that advocate anti-vaccinations, warning labels on Wikipedia that clearly state that some claims are unverified) and are they effective?
You are NOT expected to solve the issue that you have outlined in your HCP. Rather, you are expected to point out the faults in current solutions, suggest ways to improve them in a REALISTIC manner.
Ex: No getting rid of the 1st, 4th, and 5th amendment. (Respectively: Freedom of speech, Right to privacy = no taking away personal information without consent, Right to safety = no stealing personal property or threatening physical harm)
Ex: No real name verification system. 1. Both China and S. Korea is phasing it out because it DOES NOT WORK (too easy to use someone else’s number, no other way to verify without cellphone etc). 2. The US does not have citizen identification numbers and individual companies cannot ask for similar identifying numbers. 3. 4th Amendment. Seriously, please stop trying to get rid of amendments that are not problematic. It is very hard to fix amendments even when they are very broken.
2.Run down:
It is intended as a continuation of your CP, wherein you will address current solutions to the problems you have researched for the CP. The expectations are as follows.
You will be able to search for current solutions that are being implemented and address the following
How they are being implemented and by who.
What limitations they have.
What improvements they should make.
You will engage with a variety of sources to find pre-existing solutions including
Think tanks, Legislation, Statistics, News (Click Me for Link to UCI Library sourcesLinks to an external site.)
NGOs, Advocacy Groups, Unions etc.
Scholarly sources.
You will be able to bring your argument and sources together in a comprehensive paper that advocates for an improved solution.
Realistic and Unrealistic Solutions
Click me for Preview the document PPT on what you should consider for realistic v. unrealistic solutions
Consider: Cost v. Benefit. Privacy v. Security, What cannot be given up, and what can etc.
Each country and state will have different assumptions. Which assumptions must be addressed?
Written in MLA format, including in-text citations and works cited page.
1700 Words Min 2000 Words Max (excluding works cited page)
1 Multimodal Element
8- 10 Sources, 3 Scholarly Sources minimum
Clear edits/ changes from previous drafts that have been commented on by the instructor and peers.