Paper details
Write an essay at least 3+ pages in length with the appropriate in-text citations and works cited page that
explains the overarching theme or themes from the material that we looked at this semester. How have
they influenced the way you understand world history in the ways just mentioned?
Your essay will need to address at least six of the various chapters from the book called “Ways of the
World”. These chapters include
1. First Peoples; First Farmers
2. First Civilizations
3. State and Empire in Eurasia/North Africa
4. Culture and Religion in Eurasia/North Africa
5. Society and Inequality Eurasia/North Africa
6. Commonalities and Variations
7. Commerce and Culture
8. China and the World
9. The Worlds of Islam
10. The Worlds of Christendom
As well as ideas from the book that we read this semester called
“When Asia Was the World”