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Assignment Paper

Purpose: Demonstrate critical analysis of factors that influence student transition to beginning level professional nursing practise. The assignment is designed to demonstrate an understanding of the subject matter, basic research skills.


As individuals, students are required to research and prepare one oral presentations with ppt using kaltura (or similar) video and along with a references list.

The oral presentation must include:

One 10-minute video. The time should be spent critically analysing and discussing (using current literature and Nurses Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics) one (1) of the following contemporary transitional factors that influences newly registered nurses
Independent decision making,
Impact of shift work,
Horizontal bullying,
Increased independent workloads,
The role of preceptor and mentorship,
Psychological burn-out
Students MUST address the following three points related to the contemporary transitional factor in this paper using current literature:

WHAT- Describe the contemporary transitional factor that you believe will impact you in your first year of practice as a new graduate nurse and list with evidence.

WHY – Describe, discuss and analyse why the contemporary transitional factor occurs with evidence.

HOW – Discuss and analyse how the student as a new graduate nurse should address the transitional factor and why. (Quality of nursing and patient care with evidence).

For each oral presentation, students are expected to speak for no more than the allotted time (marks will be deducted if the video is longer than 10 minutes). Students are to be professional in their own presentation (clothing), language and demeanor. Be mindful of background distractions and what your presentation and your background is telling your audience as you produce the video.

A reference list is mandatory and you need to cite or discuss at least 7 (seven) academic references that include current peer reviewed literature and the Nurses Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics in the video. You need to verbalise your reference within the video (e.g. Smith and Jones in 2018 stated….). Reference lists need to be uploaded as a PDF .
Submission: Through Moodle. Due Monday 1st June, 2020, 5pm

Marking Criteria:

The assessment tasks will be moderated prior to marking by the course coordinator, peer lecturers and/or tutor. Video presentations will be marked using the Rubric/marking guide provided in Moodle.

Students are required to upload their Assessment Task 2 as a Kaltura Video file. Please note that your submission will graded via submission link in Moodle.

Please ensure the video is working before submission. An inability to upload a working video will impact the marking of the assessment and final grade. Failure to submit videos will incur a 0% grade.

Access to Kaltura Video recording software is available to all students through the Federation University website.

It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that the video submitted for assessment is embedded correctly, in the correct place, in the correct format, so that it is easily accessible for marking.

If you have any issues with your electronic submissions, you need to make contact with the Information Technology Service Desk (ph.: 5327 9999) to resolve the problem. If the problem cannot be resolved prior to the due date, advise the Course Coordinator via email immediately. Please note that you should always attempt to complete and submit your assignment as early as possible to avoid any potential problems. Do not leave it to the last minute to submit.

NOTE: Also refer to the Assistance with Online Submission section within the Course Descriptor.


Feedback and grades for the written component of the assessment will be available on Moodle after the all marks have been submitted to the Board of Examiners.


This course requires all referencing of assessment tasks to be formatted in the American Psychological Association [APA] style 7th Edition.

These should be no more than seven (7) years old unless of historical significance and/or of specific relevance to the topic.

These references must be peer reviewed journal articles or books or Library database sources. Dictionaries or Wikipedia ARE NOT considered a primary reference and therefore will not be counted in the reference count.

Direct quotes, citations, appendices or reference lists are not counted in the word limit. Direct quotes must be limited to no more than 25 words.

For assistance with this and other academic supports, please refer to the library web site for more information: FedUni Library Referencing

Essay Mill

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Essay Mill

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