You are to explain the theory of the week, then analyze how the specific theory reflects/relates/connects to the Free Cyntoia book. For example, on Week 5 we will focus on trait theories of crime. For your paper, you will 1) explain trait theory in one page, then you will 2) connect trait theory to the personal story of Cyntoia Brown from the Free Cyntoia book in one page. These papers should be 2-3 pages in length, typed in Times New Roman size 12 font.
TAP2 2pages
You are to explain the theory of the week, then analyze how the specific theory reflects/relates/connects to the Free Cyntoia book. For example, on Week 6 we will focus on rational choice theory of crime. For your paper, you will 1) explain rational choice theory in one page, then you will 2) connect rational choice theory to the personal story of Cyntoia Brown from the Free Cyntoia book in one page. These papers should be 2-3 pages in length, typed in Times New Roman size 12 font.
TAP3 2pages
You are to explain the theory of the week, then analyze how the specific theory reflects/relates/connects to the Free Cyntoia book. For example, on Week 7 we will focus on social process theories of crime. For your paper, you will 1) explain both social process theories in one page, then you will 2) connect both social process theories to the personal story of Cyntoia Brown from the Free Cyntoia book in one page. These papers should be 2-3 pages in length, typed in Times New Roman size 12 font.