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Assignment Paper

Instructions for Session 1:
Session and chart: 20% based on the quality of the session, use of skills, correctly identifying skill
You are to interview anyone over twelve you wish, family, friends, co-workers, peers for ten minutes about any subject they have chosen but the subject must be based in reality not acting. It can be school frustrations, home frustrations wherever the session leads them. The camera is not to be focused on the client but just on you for confidentiality unless they give you permission.
Once you have done your session, you are to construct a transcript of the counselling session.
Trick for writing scripts!!! Open your YouTube and click the three … that are right-hand side next to the word SAVE and a transcript will appear at the side. Then, at the top of the transcript, there are another three …’s. Click that then click toggle timestamps and the times will go away and you can copy and paste script into your word document.
There are a few different options for writing the script:
1) Provide a full transcript of what you and the person you are talking with said, alongside the skills that you are noting (you can see this version in the sample provided)
2) Provide a transcript only of what you, as the counselor said, with time stamps, of when you said that, alongside the skills you are highlighting as seen below. This does not have to be in order or conversation. You can highlight skills in blocks. i.e. examples of when I used good eye contact, then examples of when I demonstrated open body language, etc. As long as I can see the time stamp and will be able to find that place in the video to verify the use of the skill and it’s appropriateness, that is what matters.

Time stamp What was said/demonstrated Skill demonstrated
00:05:45 So it seems like you are feeling really betrayed by what you heard your friend say … is that right? Reflection of feeling
00: 06:53 I leaned forward with my eyebrows pressed together showing a look of concern. Body language
00:07: 34 I kept steady eye contact, mirroring hers, as she was sharing Eye contact
00: 09: 38 I missed an opportunity to ‘summarize’. What I could have said was “So what I have heard you share with me today includes….. and it seems like it has made you feel…. and that you are really struggling with… We also talked about some of your strengths of … and agreed that moving forward you would like to try to…”
(students- don’t leave gaps when you type this. This was just an example for you. Make sure you state your full summary of what you would have said.) Summarization

The transcript must be typed and done on Word. Please note that you can opt to transcribe everything (option 1) but you only have to transcribe what you, as the counselor, say or do.
After writing your script, identify the skill beside each time you used it when speaking to your client. If you note that you have not demonstrated a certain skill but see an opportunity where you could have, please note what you ‘would have’ said. i.e. “I would have reflected feeling here by saying ‘It seems to me that you are feeling quite betrayed by your friend’s words. Is that correct?'” (See the example above)
As an alternative, you may also choose to use the chart provided as a sample on the previous assignments page. Please highlight where you have demonstrated the required skills. Please include a timestamp with the quote provided. For example – Counselor: Hi, my name is Suzy. What is your name and how can I help you? (0:00:03).
Expectations: Non-Verbals, Paraphrasing, Summarizing, the five stages of the interview in order: rapport and structuring, defining the problem, ideal outcome(s), exploration of alternatives, transfer goals for next time.
Make sure you look at the rubric to make sure you have demonstrated all of the skills and stages and met expectations as laid out in rubric.
If you find you missed an opportunity to demonstrate a certain skill, feel free to insert what you would have said (make sure this is noted as such) – This way
The instructions on how to upload your script and YouTube are in this module as well as an example of a script.
You will receive marks for the following:
Summarization, Paraphrasing, and the 5 stages, try to stay in order , non-verbals. You will not receive full marks if you do not define them correctly in the column next to the script.
Session 1 Rubric
Session 1 Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeParaphrasing 3.0 pts
Demonstrated skill by listening and restating client’s key elements briefly, defined skill correctly. 1.0 pts
Demonstrated skill by listening and restating client’s key elements briefly; however, defined skill incorrectly or not at all. 0.0 pts
Did not demonstrate skill.
3.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSummarizing 2.0 pts
Demonstrated skill by summarizing key elements of a total conversation of one or more stages, defined skill correctly. 1.0 pts
Demonstrated skill by summarizing key elements of a total conversation of one or more of the stages, however, defined skill incorrectly or not at all. 0.0 pts
Did not demonstrate skill.
2.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRapport and Structuring 2.0 pts
Demonstrated stage at the beginning of conversation, opened conversation for discussion, defined stage correctly. 1.0 pts
Demonstrated stage at the beginning of conversation, opened conversation for further discussion, did not define stage correctly or not at all. 0.0 pts
Did not demonstrate stage.
2.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDefining Problem 2.0 pts
Demonstrated second stage by defining problem clearly through clarification using questioning and skills, defined stage correctly. 1.33 pts
Demonstrated second stage by defining problem clearly through clarification using questioning and skills, defined stage incorrectly or not at all. 0.0 pts
Did not demonstrate stage.
2.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIdeal Outcome 2.0 pts
Demonstrated third stage through questioning and using skills assisting client to clarify what desired end result, allowed client to develop own ideal outcome , defined stage correctly. 1.33 pts
Demonstrated third stage through questioning and using skills assisting client to clarify the desired end result, allowed client to develop own ideal outcome , defined stage incorrectly or not at all. 0.0 pts
Did not demonstrate stage.
2.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeExploration of Alternatives 2.0 pts
Demonstrated fourth stage by assisting client to form alternatives without giving any suggestions; defined stage correctly. 1.33 pts
Demonstrated fourth stage by assisting client to form alternatives without giving any suggestions; however, defined stage incorrectly or not at all. 0.0 pts
Did not demonstrate stage.
2.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTransfer and Generalize 2.0 pts
Demonstrated final stage by assisting client to summarize what alternatives the client has decided to accomplish, assist in clarifying measured time and dates, defined stage correctly. 1.33 pts
Demonstrated final stage by assisting client to summarize what alternatives the client has decided to accomplish, assist in clarifying measured time and dates; however defined stage incorrectly or not at all. 0.0 pts
Did not demonstrate stage.
2.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeNonverbals, Minimal Encouragers, Appropriate Questioning, Spontaneous Session (no script) 5.0 pts
Excellent demonstration of effective questioning, minimal encouragers, tone, body language, appropriate words, while displaying genuiness, empathy and professionalism in a spontaneous real-life session. 4.0 pts
Demonstrated effective questioning, minimal encouragers, tone, body language, appropriate words, while displaying genuiness, empathy and professionalism in a spontaneous real-life session. 3.0 pts
Demonstrated some of the following: effective questioning, minimal encouragers, tone, body language, appropriate words, while displaying genuiness, empathy and professionalism in a spontaneous real-life session. 2.0 pts
Minimally demonstrated some of the following: effective questioning, minimal encouragers, tone, body language, appropriate words, while displaying genuiness, empathy and professionalism in a spontaneous real-life session. 0.0 pts
Did not demonstrate nonverbals effectively and/ or did not display genuiness, empathy and professionalism and/ or used a script or obvious fictitious situation.
5.0 pts
Total Points: 20.0

Essay Mill

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Essay Mill

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