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Business Implementation Plan

Business Implementation Plan
Every year, people make resolutions to work out daily. Soon those resolutions are forgotten as individuals become preoccupied with busy schedules and other priorities. This is where fitness apps have transformed the fitness industry. Research has shown that customers have shifted their fitness focus to the use of apps. During the last three years, there has been a 330% increase in the use of fitness apps with 75% of the users using a fitness app at least twice a week (Solulab, 2018). Mobile app development has made fitness easier and choosing the right team and establishing a solid implementation plan is key to its success.
For the customer, whether they are looking to slim down, bulk up or run further, the Virtual Fitness App is designed to meet the range of needs. The virtual fitness app will provide a one-stop-shop for members to focus on workout programs, nutrition, and health and fitness goals. Lifestyles, busy work schedules and technology are changing the way people think and with the implementation of a virtual fitness app, members will have their accountability buddy to keep them motivated and provide them the same fitness experience they enjoy at a club.
The fitness industry realizes the impacts of external factors as they continue to compete in the global market. Fitness Clubs are competing with lower-cost fitness boutiques, cross-fits gyms, and 24-7 clubs and must find new business opportunities utilizing technology to revive their competitive advantage. Developing and implementing the Virtual Fitness App will be a collaborative effort with the in-house IT team and fitness experts (personal trainers) as well as a contracted development company. The type of application is the first factor that influences the cost of development so combing contracted and in-house resources, World Gym, Inc will develop a top of the line app that can be sustained in the world of virtual app competition. The app will contain features that set the company app apart for others such as diet and nutrition, activity log tracking, exercise and meal-plan, social media integration, integration with fitness wearable (FitBit, Apple Watch), and push notifications such as motivational quotes, workout reminders and goals (Solulab, 2018).
Technological Resources:
o Development Team – The development team must have both Android and iOS knowledge (Solulab, 2018). With 500 million mobile users or about 30% of an estimated 1.4 billion smartphone subscribers worldwide using health/fitness apps, the development team must ensure connectivity brings opportunities for innovation in the fitness world (Carroll, 2012).
o Designers – Although having the best code and logic is a priority with the app, utilizing designers for color, background elements and markup artists will attract the users (Solulab, 2018).
Testers – Testers will test the app against every possible combination to avoid errors (Solulab, 2018).
Physical Resources
o Support Team – Through-out the development process, the in-house IT team and fitness experts will provide the support needed to ensure the app is meeting the customer needs. Through customer surveys and monitoring other fitness app activities, the support team will be an important role to take this app to the next level.
o Membership Fees – The annual budget will shift resources from equipment replacement (as that requirement will be reduced with increased app use) and utilize membership fees to resource this initiative. The advantages of the fitness app are the ability to reach out globally, the convenience of any time – anywhere fitness and increase the competitive advantage with an affordable fitness capability.
Implementation schedule
The implementation schedule identifies the stages in order of completion and approximate hours needed to develop the fitness app (Solulab, 2018). As the company moves further into this plan, key personnel will be identified.
Technical Documentation
This stage will be a collaborative effort between the contractor and the in-house IT and fitness experts and includes the following requirements. Expected time to complete: 40 – 60 hours.
o Business Analysis
o Specifications
o Design Prototypes


This stage continues to be a collaborative effort between the contractor and the in-house IT and fitness experts and includes the following requirements. Expected time to complete: 45 – 80 hours.
o UI/UX design
After completing the technical documentation and designing stages, the next will be the development stage. This role will be primarily with the contracting but will require collaboration with the in-house IT team. Expected time to complete: 1480 hours as it has various pieces to this function.
o Front – end development – 200 hours
o Back – end development – 400 hours
o iOS platform – 400 hours
o Android platform – 480 hours

The primary users for testing would be the in-house fitness experts and selected customers. Expected time to complete: 80 – 100 hours.
o MVP Testing
Support and Maintenance
This would be a collaborative effort between the contractor and the in-house IT team. Expected time to complete: 30 – 50 hours.
o Polishing
o Bug Fixing

Project review processes
To ensure that the project stays on target, a project management review process will be developed and completed at the end of each stage of the project. The review will establish checkpoints to monitor and document areas such as 1) current state of the project, 2) budget allocation, 3) issues identified and resolved ( By having a project review process, the company will document each stage of the development, provide clear communication on the progress, identify issues and risks that could potentially impact the project, monitor the deliverables and if needed, seek any approval needed to move to the next stage (
One way to complete the project review is to establish a Quality Assurance (QA) team to review the process and determine that status of the project. The QA team will utilize face-to-face interview while providing advice and counsel. The team will be responsible for completing the status report to include 1) project determination – compliant or at risk, 2) an executive
summary to summarize findings, 3) project metrics which compares the project metrics to the project management standards, and 4) recommendations (Brisco, Baccineli, Chambless, 2000).
The implementation schedule has 5 stages which at the completion and before the transition to the next phase, the QA team will complete a project management review document.
In today’s business environment, intrapreneurship requires companies to seek out new business opportunities. The goal of intrapreneurship is to create a mindset and infrastructure needed to support growth through a framework for transformation (Foley, 2013).
Intrapreneurship will help World Gym; Inc generate new business growth with technology as the key element for gaining a competitive advantage by developing and implementing a Virtual Fitness App. Intrapreneurial leaders such as the Information Technology Team (IT) and the fitness professionals are changes agents who will help blaze new trails and will enable the organization to effectively accelerate and manage change (Foley, 2013).
As the company moves forward with its implementation plan, IT will play an important role in the development and implementation of the virtual program. The IT’s role is to not only understand the IT solution but partner and collaborate with the fitness professionals to ensure that the programs provide the motivation, inspiration, and results while creating an unparalleled virtual experience for the members (Mills, 2020). Implementing virtual workouts will combine high-level technology and top of the line programs to members any time of the day or night.
Today companies live in an environment that has become dependent on technology with their valuable assets no longer the heavy equipment or machinery, but the intangible assets that are throughout the organization (Fiduccia, 2001). Consideration now must be on how to protect the intangible assets such as the company logo, brand name, specific processes and methods as well as the knowledge employees have that are unique to the virtual fitness program need to be considered. These intangible assets (logos, brand name, processes) can be protected through patents, trademarks or company registrations. Other intangible assets such as employee knowledge and methods could be protected using non-compete and non-disclosure documents that the employees will sign. The non-compete/non-disclosures will prevent the employees from using this knowledge should they leave the company (Fiduccia, 2001). Another key component to protecting the company’s assets is to have exit strategy documents signed by partners in the company in case one or more of them leave (How to Protect Intangible Business Assets, n.d.).
As the company continues to shift focus from brick and mortar to virtual fitness programs, protecting the intangible assets will avoid costly problems and help the business run smoothly (How to Protect Intangible Business Assets, n.d.).
Strength Personal Trainers
A personal trainer can help members develop a personalized exercise program. The member will learn proper technique and form. Knowing this will keep the member safe and allow them to receive maximum benefits from their workout. Even if the member choses to have a personal trainer for a few sessions, it can be beneficial to the member ( Properly performing the exercise reduces the risk of injury and improves efficiency. All this will keep the member motivated to not give up on their personal fitness goals. The Fitness App will allow you to reach a live trainer at any time and from any location.
Weakness Locations
As much as location can be a strength for the fitness app, it is also a weakness. If internet or wi-fi is not strong this would hurt the success of the business, and their location is not in an area that is developed and has a large traffic base, it probably will not be an immediate success. This could lead to decrease of customers need for this type of service. With this in mind, it is important that the manager weighs the pros and cons of ensuring the fitness app is successful.
All the strengths and weaknesses affect the company. The one thing that will provide us the opportunity to be successful is communication between the departments. Communication will help us become and stay efficient and productive. The importance of communication between different departments becomes evident when communication breaks down. Communication within the departments strengthens and highlights the importance of maintaining an efficient flow of information (Berman, 2018). An example would be as the personal trainer is schedule for live training session with a member only to find out that the Wi-fi service is down, and the trainer must change the members workout. As we develop our business plan, communication within the company will identify use the strengths to help reduce the risk to our identified weaknesses.

Alcala, A (2019). Final Business Develop Plan. Unpublished manuscript, Southern New
Hampshire University.
Alcala, A. (2019). Comprehensive Business Plan. Unpublished manuscript, Southern New
Hampshire University.
Berman, C. (2018). Ways in Which Ethical Violations Affect the Reputation of an Organization.
Retrieved from organization-72245.html
Brisco, T, & Baccineli, C. & Chambless, J. (2000). Best Practices—project review
process. Retrieved from
Carrol. J. (2012). Trend Report: The Future of Health, Fitness and Wellness! Retrieved from

Fiduccia, B. (2001). Protecting Your Company’s Most Important Assets.
Retrieved from
Foley, S. (2013. 5 Reasons Why Intrapreneurship is Important. Retrieved from

Mills, L. (2020). Implementing virtual fitness in your club. Retrieved from
Solulab (2018). How Much does it Cost to Develop a Fitness Trainer App? Retrieved from
(n.d). How to Protect Intangible Business Assets. Retrieved from
(n.d). Project Review. Retrieved from

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