Choose a topic (your future major or future job) and research it. Then create an online research project to explain your research journey and what you learned. This is similar to your Team Project, but it is an individual assignment. This is NOT a traditional research paper.
Use Google Doc, Google Slides, WordPress site, or other online format. For this assignment, do NOT use .docx/Word.
Length: Total of 1,000-1,500 words.
Final Project Details and Grading
___/55 Create an Online Research Paper/Exhibit: Create an online “exhibit” about your future major or dream job. Google Doc, Google Slides, WordPress site, or other online format is fine. Provide accurate, useful, interesting content with sources you found through the Gallaudet Library (+1 source via Google, if you want).
Required sections — all must be inserted or linked in the “exhibit”
Introduction (Research Topic, What I Knew) Provide your research topic as a statement or question. Explain why you’re interested in that major or job.
My Research Journey (How I Searched, Keywords, Source Summaries) – Explain how you researched, list the keywords you used, and include 2-3 source summaries. You can use the source summaries from your Annotated Bibliography. Feel free to revise the summaries.
Conclusion (What I Learned). What did you learn from your research — especially the sources in your Annotated Bibliography? What opinions did you form? Tell your audience about it. Cite info as necessary.
References/Works Cited. List of full citations for each source you mentioned in your project. Use basic full citation style or APA style (see *Citation). URLs only = 0 points. Citing sources you never used in your project = don’t do it!
___/10 Language and Format: Written English and ASL are grammatically correct. Google Doc, Google Slides, WordPress site, or other online format. For this assignment, do NOT use .docx. The “exhibit” is attractive to view and the document is accessible to view. set to “anyone with the link can view”. Length: Total of 1,000-1,500 words.
Late submissions will lose 25% of the grade per day.
TOTAL ______/100
*Citation/References/Works Cited
In-text Citation
Sometimes, you will have to cite your sources IN your project (in-text citation). Mention the author and date of the source. If it doesn’t have an author or date, use the title.
In-text Citation Examples:
(Lipin, 2013)
According to a 2013 article by Michael Lipin…
(“About Sunnydale Farm,” N.D.)
References/Works Cited
For your References section: Give the full citation, including author, date, publication, and other important information.
References Examples:
Basic reference citation example
Author: Michael Lipin
Title: “Washington Food Market Becomes Hub for Deaf Community”
Date: Oct. 3, 2013
Publication: Voice of America
Volume number: NA
APA reference citation – More about APA here
APA general format:
Author last name, first initial. (Date published). Title. Publication or publishing company. Retrieved date. URL (if online source).
APA example:
Lipin, M. (2013, Oct. 3). Washington Food Market Becomes Hub for Deaf Community. Voice of America. Retrieved on 2/28/14.
· You can use basic citation style or APA style.
· Put your sources in alphabetical order by the author’s last name. If there is no author, sort by the title.
Here is some info about how to cite articles, websites, and other types of sources: APA Citation Guide: How to cite anything in APA format. You can also see more about APA here.
NOTE: If you use a citation generator like, make sure you plug in the info correctly and check the result! Does it have a title? Author? Publication? Is information repeated? Often, citation generators spit out incorrect citations and you need to fix them.
Sample project –
Choose three (3) good sources about your future major or job. Summarize and evaluate each. Total length: 500-1,000 words.
At least two (2) good sources from various Library channels:
Gallaudet Library Catalog – article, e-book, etc.
Articles & Databases – full text article
Streaming Video
Deaf Collections & Archives
One (1) source can be:
From the “shallow” Internet (e.g. a webpage or online article, found on Google) OR
An interview with someone in the field. WARNING: You may not have time to get a response from a professional by the due date.
For each source: Write a basic citation, summary, and evaluation
See the Grading Criteria for details. See a sample Annotated Bibliography here.
The AB is worth 10% of your grade for GSR 150.
Grading Criteria
Basic Full Citation*: For each source:
____/20 Include a basic full citation* for each source (like what you would put in the References/Works Cited section of a paper).
Summary and Evaluation: For each source, write:
____/20 Summary. Accurately summarize each source in your own words. What kind of source is it? What are the main ideas in the source? What are some helpful lines?
____/40 Evaluation: What makes this helpful for your research topic? Could include: CRAAP criteria (current, relevant, etc.), good information (statistics, on-point quotes, etc.).
____/10 The grammar and spelling are correct.
____/10 Format: The AB is double spaced, and in 12-point font. Submit a Google Doc link or .docx file. Total length: 500-1,000 words.
View a sample Annotated Bibliography
EXTRA CREDIT: Add an extra source for a total of four (4) sources. Worth up to 2 points added to Week 8-14 Attendance & Participation.
Total: ___/100
Basic Full Citation
References Examples:
Basic reference citation example
Author: Michael Lipin
Title: “Washington Food Market Becomes Hub for Deaf Community”
Date: Oct. 3, 2013
Publication: Voice of America
Research question: What does it take to become a successful professional writer? OR Topic
Source #1 – scholarly journal article from Articles & Databases
Basic Full Citation
Author: Jackie L. Johnson
Date: March 2017
Title: Is LinkedIn the gatekeeper to a successful freelance medical writing career? Why PhDs should use social networking to leave the ivory tower.
Publication: Medical Writing, Volume 26 Number 1
This article starts with statistics about millennials’ use of the professional networking site LinkedIn. The rest is the author’s personal story of how she eventually used LinkedIn to get jobs as a medical writer. As a PhD student and then a post-doc, she didn’t understand how best to use LinkedIn. Then a meeting with a CEO caused her to look at her profile differently. She gives tips on how to maximize your networking via LinkedIn.
This source is a good source because it is current (two years old) and is relevant to me as a young writer. The author was in my shoes just a few years ago. It is written by someone who has first-hand experience with becoming a professional medical writer.
Unfortunately, I don’t know how common her experience is. How do I know that her advice could help other millennials succeed? The author cites outside sources, but only in the introduction. Johnson even writes, “I can’t speak for everyone, but here’s my story.”
One thing I noticed is that the author’s word choices might mislead an American audience. She may be using UK English or English from the Netherlands, where she lives. For example, the word “gatekeeper” in her title doesn’t mean someone who blocks your way. I think she means “gateway.”
Good line for my research:
“My resume represented my past accomplishments, but my LinkedIn profile represented my goals” (Johnson, 2017).
Source #2 – “Shallow” Internet Source
Basic Citation
Author: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Date: April 13, 2019
Title: Writers and Authors
Publication:, the Bureau of Labor Statistics website
This is a website published by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, which is a federal agency. This source has many statistics about income and other information about the writing profession. I learned that writers typically have a college degree and their salaries fall into a wide range. The site has multiple tabs about different aspects of the career.
This is a good source because the author (a government agency) is credible and the information is relatively up to date (it uses 2016 numbers and was updated in April 2019). This is relevant to my research because it answers some of my questions about what writers can earn and what skills they need.
Good lines to use:
“A college degree in English, journalism, or communications is generally required for a salaried position as a writer or author” (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2019).
“Employers also increasingly prefer new applicants to have the ability to code and program webpages or manipulate data to create a visual story using tables, charts, infographics, and maps” (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2019).
Source #3 – Interview
Basic Full Citation
Author: Amanda Jones
Date: 4/23/19
Title: Personal interview with journalist Amanda Jones
Publication: NA
Interview conducted by email
My professor introduced me to Amanda Jones and I emailed her some questions. I asked about her educational background, how she decided to become a journalist, and what made her successful enough to get published in so many well-known magazines and newspapers. I learned that Jones has had her work published in The New York Times, Forbes, and Orion magazine. Jones gave me some helpful tips, like “start with a short pitch to an online publication” and “social media presence is key. Tweet once a day, blog once a week, and make sure at least 80 percent of your posts are sharing other people’s work.”
This was a good source because Jones was credible (she is a professional writer herself, for more than 15 years) and because she gave me relevant answers to my questions. It is also current because I talked to her just one week before my project was due.
Source #4 – periodical article from Articles & Databases
Author: Daniel Grant
Date: Oct. 19, 1997
Title: Creative writing, a degree without clear career track
Publication: Boston Globe
URL: NA (from Library database)
This article, which I found through the ProQuest database, is about the value of MFA (master of fine arts) degrees. It is from the Boston Globe newspaper. Most of the article describes the results of a survey by the University of Florida at Gainesville.
The school found that most MFA graduates were not writers. Careers included working as real estate agents and adjunct professors. Professors who the author interviewed said that MFAs are not all about leading to a profession.
This is a good source, despite how old it is. I will explain that in a moment. The author, date, and publication are all clear. This is a helpful snapshot of the MFA situation in 1997. I found another article from 2018 that shows MFA graduates face the same issues today, more than 20 years later. I can compare the situation then and now, and show how little movement there has been for writers.
A line I could use from this article: One director of an MFA program interviewed in the article told the author, “Our main obligation here is to take someone’s writing and improve them” (Grant, 1997). I’ve read articles by writing professors that say almost the same thing.
This document is adapted from a handout.