The research paper must looks like an essay paper. Should have footnotes references (OSCOLA) and
It is not a criminology module is PENOLOGY and a LAW module. It’s all about the law. WE MUST
include, a lot of resources and most of them must be useful ARTICLES. Also, we can use BOOKS,
LEXISNEXIS AND WESTLAW. Also, we can provide some statistics if they are accurate.
IMPORTANT: we must have a TITLE on the paper and we can INCLUDE QUESTIONS IN THE
BEGINNING. ( to make it more interesting to read the whole essay)
• Take a sheet of A4 paper – or more than one if you have more than one idea.
• On one side, write your provisional title and then a couple of paragraphs about what you want to cover
in your mini-project. In effect write an ‘Abstract’ – you will have seen examples of these when you have
looked at academic articles.
• On the other side, list sources that you would use.
• The aim of this initial literature review is to check (a) that there are adequate resources (b) you will not
be swamped by too many sources.