a. Identify the type of method used in the research: meta-analysis
b. Step-by-step process of the research
c. The tools used in the research: databases, articles, “keywords,” software features
d. how the tools were handled
e. At the time of writing the method, the research has already been completed => write in past tense
f. Active & passive voice
g. Please do not use 1st or 2nd person; only 3rd pers
h. Identify minimum 5 references: used for our research; published within the last 5 years
6. Results
a. Results are written based on studies identified in Method
b. Present Results objectively/neutrally
c. Table/figure/graph (visual)
d. Add a narrative: identify the info in the table
e. Do not interpret Results!
Economic Impact of Covid-19 on US Economy
Criterium 1
Criterium 2
Criterium 3
Small business
Medium-size business
Large Business
Art1: Smith (2020)
· Hit hard
· Close business
· Re-invent business
· Partial losses
· Went online
Art 2: Johnson (2019)
Art 3: Randell (2020)
Art 4: Goldberg (2020)
Art 5: Gore (2019)