1. The purpose of the paper is to demonstrate your ability to produce a professional quality paper. Adding pages, conducting extensive research, or adding more citations will not result in a higher grade. Internet sources do not help your grade.
2. The paper topic is relatively open, as long as it applies to corrections.
3. The paper should be no longer than three (3) pages in length.
4. The paper should use one inch margins all around, size 11 or 12 font, Calibri or Times New Roman print, with black ink. Almost all word documents are pre-configured. Double space sentences and indent paragraphs.
5. The paper should start with a title, your name, the course title, and the date (Su17). You may single space this information at the top of page one. If you decide instead to use a cover page, remember, the cover page is not page one.
6. Your pages should be numbered. The title page is not page one.
7. Proper grammar and spelling is required. Proofread your paper, then ask a friend to do it also.
8. To footnote quotes or ideas taken from other sources, follow the following procedure:
a. Put your cursor at the end of the quote or paraphrased idea.
b. Click on “references” at the top of the document
c. Click on “insert Footnote” on the left
d. Insert your footnote at the bottom of the page
9. Footnotes should follow the Chicago Manual of Style format. Google “Chicago Manual of Style” and click on the online version (1st one). Then click on the pink “Online Guide” icon on the bottom right of your screen. Scroll down to “one (or more) author of a book”, then scroll way down to see how to cite a printed journal article.
10. You are assigned to provide a footnote from two different sources. One source should be a published book. The other source must be an article from a printed academic journal.
11. You may use JSTOR to find a peer reviewed journal article. To find JSTOR:
Go to:
KSU home page (not Flashline)
Databases (Under Research Tools)
Click on J
Scroll down and click onto JSTOR
Type your topic into the search box
Find articles or critiques of books or journal articles on your topic.
12. IMPORTANT NOTE: One of the purposes of this assignment is to show that you know how to do a footnote from a published book and from a journal article. You may access journals online, but you should cite them as if you have the actual journal article in your hand. You will got NO CREDIT for any source that begins with “WWW” Sources such as Wikipedia are not credible academic sources. Do not cite Wikipedia!
13. If you cite the book or the article twice in a row, use “Ibid., 44.” This indicates your footnote references the same source as the one directly ahead of it, and on pg. 44.
14. If you cite one source, then a second source, then cite the first one again, you cannot use Ibid, because Ibid indicates your source is the same as the one directly ahead of it. Instead, you have to use the abbreviated format shown as # 2 for the book and the journal.
15. Have fun with your research and take pride in your writing
16. Good luck!