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Decoding the DNA: Toyota Production Systems

Assignment questions
Case Study: “CASE: Decoding the DNA: Toyota Production Systems”

Read the case: “CASE: Decoding the DNA: Toyota Production Systems” and answer the following questions:
1) Using the information provided in the case and your knowledge, prepare a short description of Toyota successful approach of operations management (Underline the features and/or the characteristics that made the Toyota operations a successful system).
2) The Toyota Production System is a paradox. On the one hand, every activity, connection, and production flow in a Toyota factory is rigidly scripted. Yet at the same time, Toyota’s operations are enormously flexible and responsive to customer demand. How can that be?
3) Explain the reasons behind the failure of other organizations to follow and to implement Toyota successful approach of operations management.
4) Describe and scrutinize “the performance learning model” developed by Toyota.

Case link:

This assessment instrument assesses the following Course Learning Outcomes (CLO):

Question SN CLO # CLO Description Question Total Mark Student Mark
Question 1 CLO 1 Understand key concepts and issues of OM in service organizations. /6 /6
Question 2 CLO 2 Identify operations and project management processes. /4 /4
Total Mark /10 /10

Assignment presentation instructions:
The maximum word count for assignment 1 is 2,000 words. The format is not specified however a hybrid between an essay and a short report is preferred with concise analysis being more critical than ‘form’.

• You should submit your assignment to Moodle by the deadline as a word.doc(x) file only. Include your student number in the header or footer.
• The usual late penalties apply.
• You must also complete the assignment coversheet once more for this assignment.

50-60% (or lower) 60-70% 70-80% >80%
Key issues
The argument in support of each issue shows signs of promise even if it is not fully unified or fully developed. Clearly describes or quantifies the issues to be addressed. Strives to persuade the reader. Has well defined issues. Provides analysis that demonstrates an especially challenging or original approach to the main issues.
Depth of analysis Much more is needed to enable a sufficient analysis (e.g. missing or incomplete information) The research, while sufficient to pass, does not seem to fulfil all of the needs of the argument. Certain essential facts may be missing from an otherwise acceptable paper. Uses source materials well. Engages different viewpoints related to the topic. Demonstrates excellent or innovative research, which is well ordered and cited. The literature is well chosen and an in-depth review is provided.
Synthesis of literature Relevant literature is missing or improperly addressed. Work is still needed to tie the paper’s ideas together. It applies up to date literature but somewhat superficially. Attempts are made to tie in the concepts of the course. The paper is well informed, demonstrates awareness of relevant literature, theories and concepts developed in the course. The paper is well informed, synthesises the relevant literature, theories and concepts. Organises the research into a clearly and carefully delineated paradigm. There is an attempt at more than just importing an existing paradigm into a new situation.
Writing style Higher degree of error, making the paper difficult to follow. The paper is readable, but the level of error is high or shows signs of general and repeated carelessness. Is mostly free of grammatical errors, some ambiguities. Is written in a lucid style and is error-free. Is polished.
References Inconsistent referencing, referencing errors (such as missing citations or misspelled names). Makes use mostly of unit materials, some additional references. Some references and citations do not follow acceptable format. Good use of course materials, some additional references are included. Follows referencing format. Excellent use of course materials and significant efforts made to include additional references. Follows referencing format.

Essay Mill

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Essay Mill

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