You may use first person in your posts. Integrate a Christian worldview and include biblical themes as appropriate. Your thread and replies must demonstrate clear application of course-related materials pertinent to the discussion prompt. See the Discussion Board Forums Grading Rubric for specific grading criteria.
The Post First feature has been activated in the Discussion Board forums for this course. You will need to post your thread before you will be able to view and reply to other students’ threads.
You will create a thread of 350–450 words in response to the provided prompt. Do not submit your thread as an attachment. Appropriate references to course resources must be made in current APA format. Provide a list of references at the end of your thread. You may cite the presentation in your thread as “(Garzon, 2010a)” and in your references as “Garzon, F. (2010a). [Insert lecture title]. Liberty University.” If you mention 2 or more presentations, then cite the presentations in your thread as “(Garzon, 2010b)” and in your references as “Garzon, F. (2010b). [Insert lecture title]. Liberty University.”
You must reply to at least 2 classmates’ threads. Each reply must be 200–300 words. Also, note that “I like what you said,” “That’s a good point,” and “I disagree with your point” do not count as a complete reply. Rather, stating why you liked or disliked the comment, adding additional thoughts or ideas to the original point, and/or providing alternative ideas or thoughts when you disagree will count as a reply. You are required to be courteous in any disagreement with a classmate.
One of the goals of the Discussion Board Forums is to encourage student community learning; therefore, the instructor will respond to only a few posts. Instructor comments may add to the conversation, ask a pertinent question, or summarize some of the key points made.