Chapter 8 questions
Use the Social Problems Continuity and Change online textbook to answer each of the following questions a short paragraph. A very good answer = 3 points, a good answer = 2 points, and a fair answer = 1 point. You will have a week to turn in the answers online.
1. How is the application of a criminal label problematic and why are some people more likely than others to be considered criminals?
2. What is white-collar crime and why is its impact worse than that of street crime?
3. How does the news media influence the public in its beliefs about the dangers of crime and who does crime in U.S. society?
4. Describe the different aspects of homicide that the book focuses on.
5. What are the correlates (gender, age, etc.) of who commits crimes in the U.S.?
6. Briefly describe the five ways that people respond to anomie / strain according to Robert Merton.
7. What are the different ways that conflict theorists study crime and criminal justice?
8. In what ways is the criminal justice system biased against poor and minority defendants?