Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:
Link (Word doc): Week 3 CCC Parts 2 & 3 Template (Use this template to complete the assignment.)
Introduction: Communication Change Challenge (CCC) Parts 2 and 3
This week, you were to continue your observation log (Part 2) from Week 2 Course Project. In Part 3, you are to observe the communication behavior of others who share your challenge and others who perform better in similar situations. Part 3 will help you to identify positive changes related to your challenge that you might make to your communication behavior. This will also help ensure that you don’t fall into the trap of adopting alternative communication behaviors that do not improve your communication outcomes. For this assignment, make sure to observe and write about an individual and a group. You can choose which conversations will be for the positive models and negative models (e.g., positive – group and negative – individual OR positive – individual and negative – group).
Reminder: You are still observing; you should not be making changes to your communication behaviors yet.
3A. Positive Models
Find positive models. Choose a person or several people who perform your interpersonal communication skill well. Observe and record specific aspects of their verbal and nonverbal behaviors and listening skills as they relate to your chosen issue.
What do they say?
How do they say it?
How did listening help you to understand the positive model?
What behaviors would be useful to incorporate into your own repertoire?
Provide 4 conversation model examples of effective application of this communication skill by others, i.e., positive modeling. Examples should be specific and based on your observations of others. Label each example: 3A1, 3A2, 3A3, and 3A4, and so forth if you have more.
3B. Negative Models
Find negative models. Identify people who perform verbal, nonverbal, and listening skills ineffectively. Watching these can be very useful, too.
What makes them ineffective verbally?
What makes them ineffective nonverbally?
How did listening make this a negative model?
What behavior do these people exhibit that you would like to avoid?
Provide 4 conversation model examples of ineffective application of this communication skill by others, i.e., negative modeling. Again, your examples should be specific and based on your observations of others. Label each example: 3B1, 3B2, 3B3, and 3B4, and so forth if you have more.
Reminder: Go back to Week 2 Part 2(Describing communication patterns.) Provide the new daily conversations, and submit Part 2 for this week as well.
Template will be attached to file
Writing Requirements (APA format)
Length: 4-5 pages (not including title page or references page)
1-inch margins
Double spaced
12-point Times New Roman font
Title page
References page