Final Paper Rubric
You can expect the following grades based on the criteria below:
Content Organization Style
A Clearly and precisely addresses the topic
Provides excellent support for the main points of the paper
Properly uses the vocabulary of script analysis
The paper is logically organized with a clear thesis and excellent supporting arguments
Each paragraph is well structured and concise Few to no grammatical or spelling errors
Has proper citations
Meets or exceeds the assigned page minimum
Is submitted on time
B Clearly addresses the topic
Provides good support for the main points of the paper
Properly uses the vocabulary of script analysis
The paper is well organized with a clear thesis and good supporting arguments
Each paragraph is well structured Some grammatical or spelling errors
Has proper citations
Meets or exceeds the assigned page minimum
Is submitted on time
C Somewhat addresses the topic
Provides some support for the main points of the paper
Doesn’t demonstrate knowledge of the vocabulary of script analysis
The paper is somewhat organized with a thesis and some supporting arguments
Most paragraphs are well structured Several grammatical or spelling errors.
Has proper citations
Does not meet the assigned page minimum
Is submitted late.
D Does not clearly address the topic
Provides little support for the main points of the paper The paper is poorly organized with a vague thesis and few supporting arguments Numerous grammatical or spelling errors
Improper citations