Health Disparities Final Research Project
For this final project option, research a disease/illness that reflects health disparities. It can be
something that we have studied in class, or it can be something entirely different. The paper
should focus on illustrating the ways in which health disparities shape the distribution and/or
experience of the disease. For example, you can think about how poverty/race/gender/nationality
etc shapes the risk of getting the disease, or how it affects access to healing resources. You can
also think about stigma and health disparities, thinking intersectionally, etc. It should not be
about the biology of the disease, although a brief overview is fine. Please email Alejandro or me
to approve your topic if you have any doubts about whether your choice is appropriate.
The paper should draw on a) draw on ideas and concepts/terms introduced in the course and b)
scholarly research. You must bring in at least three research articles outside of course materials
to support your work. If you are working on something current (like COVID-19), you’re
welcome to also use newspaper articles and other media, but these are additional to the research
articles. Grading will consider your use of ideas and materials from the course that seem
appropriate to your analysis, as well as your research.
Your research articles should be from credible peer-reviewed sources. Good search engines are
Google Scholar or Anthrosource (available through the university library). The more specific
your search criteria, the more accurate your search will be. Your essay should not be about the
biology of the disease, although a brief overview is fine Priscilla Seaman at the library is also a
good resource if you have trouble coming up with relevant research articles.
Your paper should be 7-8 double-spaced pages, typed in 12 pt font with your name at the top.
Proof-read carefully for sense and grammatical errors, and be sure to spell-check. Keep a copy of
all your written work and back up your computer files.
Please check the posted citation guide on BB if you are uncertain about how to cite correctly. A
bibliography is required.
The paper is worth 25 points (out of the 100 points total for the course) and will be evaluated for
a) use and understanding of course concepts and materials in analyzing health disparities, and b)
relevance and use of scholarly research. Points will also be dedicated to questions of style
(clarity of writing, grammar, typos, use of proper citations) so it is worthwhile to pay attention to
this. A grading schema is posted on BB.
Your research paper is due by midnight on Tuesday May 5. Late assignments will lose 2
points for every 24 hours that they are late. If you anticipate difficulties in meeting the deadline,
please discuss with me PRIOR to missing the deadline.