Assignment # 1 – Due on Monday (18 May at 9.30PM):
Name:………………………………………… Student #………………………..
1. Please submit in the Dropbox on Moodle.
2. Draw all appropriate diagram(s) to get full points.
The huge advertisement campaign by Huawei for its new 5G technology and new sets of Smart Phones has turned out to be very successful.
At the same time and partly responding to pressures from the Government of Canada, Huawei announced that it is moving some of its manufacturing of smartphones to Canada because it can use cheaper automated processes here.
Question: Examine the two statements above, considering what we learned in Chapters 3 and 4 of the textbook. Please use the hints below as guide and draw ALL appropriate diagrams.
(1) Which curve is affected?
(2) Is price the issue, or is it something else?
(3) Is the change an increase or a decrease?
(4) How much Change is involved?