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For Project 1 you will do some research on a viral emerging or e-emerging infectious disease listed in the table below, read an article about a recent research study on the disease, write a 2000-2500 word (approximately 10 to 12 pages double spaced) research topic report; this does not include figures, tables, footnotes, bibliography, and glossary of terms. As part of a Discussion Topic you will share what you learned with your classmates.

The steps of the assignment are listed below, and additional details are provided in the topics below.

Step 1: Select a virus or disease from the table below. Post the name of the pathogen/disease and a sentence or two about why you selected it for your Project 1 report in your Project 1 Topic assignment folder (due no later than July 14). As feedback the instructor will assign you a research article to use for Part 4 Discussion of the science of a research study.

2. Include a short abstract (250 to 300 words) that is a brief overview of the purpose, importance of the topic, and main points and findings of your report. See format on same OWL page as Part 1. (5 points)

Part 3. Background information about the pathogen and disease it causes (total 20 points)

3a) (5 points possible): Describe the signs (objective evidence, for example high blood pressure) and symptoms (subjective evidence, for example a headache) and serious complications of the disease (2 points). Indicate where the disease is normally found (1.5 points) and the way or ways by which it is transmitted (1.5 points).

3b) (8 points possible) Name the virus that causes the disease and the family in which it is classified (1 point). Describe the virus, this should include a description of the type of genome, type of nucleocapsid symmetry, virion shape and size, enveloped or non-enveloped, components, tropism, host range (3.5 points), Describe the five stages of the life cycle (attachment, entry, uncoating, biosynthesis-replication and viral protein synthesis, maturation and release) (3.5 points). In your description of the life (replication) cycle. You must name the stage and specify which of the events occur in it. The description should be at the level covered in this course and you must define terms not covered in the course. Part 3b of your report should be one to two paragraphs.

Sources for explanations of terms and illustrations include , week 5 topics and reading assignments, and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Institutes of Health (NIH), ViralZone websites.

3c) (7 points possible): Describe the pathogenesis of infection (how the pathogen infects the host and causes the disease) (2.5 points), how the host’s body fights the infection to try and prevent disease, (2.5 point) and current preventive measures. (2 points)

Some sources for background information for Part 3: Fate of Viral Infections in Course Module 4 Viruses, Chapters 6 and 22-25 in Parker et al. (2016) OpenStax Microbiology textbook used in this class, and Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Vaccine Education Center ( )

Part 4. Discussion of the science of a recent research study on the pathogen or disease it causes. Your instructor will assign you the article and experiment to use for Part 4 -see feedback to your submission to your Project 1 Part 4 Article assignment folder. (total 40 points)

4a) (10 points possible): Describe the purpose of the study and the hypothesis (2 points). State the independent and dependent variables and at least one controlled variable and explain as related to their definitions and purpose in a study or experiment (6 points). State the control group(s) , and the type of (positive or negative and explain how they are used as controls in the experiment ( 2 points).

You might find it helpful to review the Scientific Method Tutorial, Week 1 conference topics, and week 3 and 4 topics.

4b) (20 points possible): In this section you will summarize the overall approach, the experiment(s) you are assigned, and results. First prepare a flow diagram showing the design of the experiment (5 points) and summarize the overall approach and methods for how the experiment was conducted (5 points). Then summarize the results in tables or figures assigned by the instructor (5 points) and describe the results shown in the figures or tables in a paragraph (5 points). You want to include enough information so that a reader knows what was done and how the study was conducted and the results without reading the article. Prepare a summary table or figure to point out the main points of the study (not a table or figure copied from the article).

The following are two websites include guidelines and examples about creating a tables and graphs.
UNC-CH (n.d.) Figures and Charts. The Writing Center. (UNC-CH). Retrieved from This handout has good explanations and illustrations except that y-axis label (Number) missing on Figure 3.
OWL (n.d.) APA Tables and Figures 1. Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL). Retrieved from This handout describes the purpose of a table, lists guidelines for what information to include in a table, and includes examples of how to present the information.

4c) (4 points possible): Describe one major finding in the study stated by the scientists (2 points) and their conclusion based on that finding (2 points).
4d) (4 points possible): Discuss the importance of the study finding (2 points) and describe limitations of the study noted by the authors. (2 points)

4e) (2 points possible) Include a sentence about what you found interesting about the research study.

Part 5. (15 points possible): Description and discussion about an environmental or other factor contributing to the emergence or re-emergence of the disease or the impact of the disease on society (locally or globally) (7.5 points). Include at least one specific example to illustrate and data as supportive evidence (7.5 points).

Part 6. Include a glossary defining the medical and scientific terms that may not be familiar to a student taking this course. These must be written as complete sentences in your own words and the sources of the definitions cited. (5 points)

Part 7. (7 points possible):Include in-text citations and an evaluative annotated bibliography reference page using APA style; be consistent throughout your report. For instructions see the below section Preparing an Evaluative Annotated Bibliography. Points earned are for complete and accurate citations (6 points) and clear evaluative annotations (2 points).

Part 8. Use correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence and paragraph construction. Report should be neat and clearly organized with subheadings. You may use double spacing between lines or single spacing; if you use single spacing then insert a blank line between paragraphs. (6 points)

Note-1: When you include tables and figures you need to refer to them within your report and explain what they show.

Note 2: You must include citations for Parts 3, 4, 5, and 6. Points will be deducted for sections missing in-text and reference list citations. No points will be earned for topics or subtopics with no in-text citations.

The following criteria will be used when grading your report: the presentation of correct and accurate scientific information, the quality of synthesis and critical thinking, and the adherence to the requirements of the assignment. You are expected to submit your own work, and your report should be phrased and presented in your own words (no more than 5% of your report is to be directly quoted from your sources).

Required, Acceptable & Unacceptable Sources

All cited sources must be available online At least four cited sources of information are required. You must use at least one scholarly article about a research study on the virus or disease (for example, the research article assigned for Part 4 by the instructor) and at least three other sources, which include at least one online textbook (e.g., the Parker et al. (2016) OpensStax Microbiology textbook used in class); at least one Web site run by a reputable organization, such as the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO); and another reputable source.

A review article is acceptable for background information about the pathogen and disease it causes (Part 3) and discussion about environmental or other factors contributing to the emergence or re-emergence of the infection (Part 5).

After you select a pathogen or disease from the table in the Project 1 Overview topic and submit it to your Project 1 Part 4 Topic assignment folder, the instructor will assign the research article you are to use for Part 4 of your report. This could include a research study on any one of the following: prevention or treatment of the disease (e.g., a new vaccine or drug strategies), diagnosis, prevention of the spread of the pathogen, genetics of the pathogen, host immunity to the pathogen, mechanisms by which the virus can evade or block the host innate antiviral response, or a completed clinical study.

Some Unacceptable Sources

The following are not acceptable: editorial and opinion articles, a case study, and abstracts.

Wikipedia is not acceptable as one of your sources. It is important to keep in mind that almost anyone can contribute information to the site, and sometimes the information is incomplete or incorrect. Mistakes eventually get corrected (one reason it is important to include the date and time of the last update as part of a citation). Also, it is important to read the banner at the top (some note that information is not verified or has other shortcomings). I find Wikipedia a valuable resource when starting a new project and need to get an idea of terms to use for searches or some references to help get me started.

Yahoo Answers, Stack Exchange, personal Web sites, and some for-profit sites are not acceptable as one of your sources. The information may be biased or not supported by evidence. Blogs if written by an expert in the field and citations for sources of information are included) may be acceptable (check with your instructor).

Student reports and lecture notes are not acceptable as one of your sources of information.

Preparing an Evaluative Annotated Bibliography

You must include an annotated bibliography for all of your cited sources of information as part of your report. You will provide complete citations of the sources and write a couple of sentences to summarize the information used in your report (e.g., the main points and/or topics) and evaluate (assess) it as a resource for your report and the credibility of the source. Before writing your evaluation consider the following questions: “Is it a useful source? How does it compare with other sources in your bibliography? Is the information reliable? Is this source biased or objective? What is the goal of this source?” (OWL, n.d.). ” The purpose of the annotation is to inform the reader of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources cited.” (Cornell University, 2017). An annotated bibliography helps you to critically analyze your sources, prepare your report, and develop a good working thesis statement

You are required to include an evaluation for each reference as part of your annotation. The Purdue OWL handout on annotated bibliographies is excellent as a guideline for writing annotated bibliographies.

The following two articles are good overviews of the purpose of bibliography annotations:

Cornell University Library (2020, May 15), How to Prepare and Annotated Bibliography. Retrieved from describes the purpose of an annotated bibliography, how to critically evaluate sources and create an annotated bibliography.

OWL (n.d.), Annotated Bibliographies. Common Writing Assignments. Pu (OWL). Retrieved from (topic links in left hand list). The section on Annotated Bibliographies explains what they are and why to use them and includes example.

Citing Sources

APA style in-text and complete reference citations are required.

Possible Points)

Excellent Range (100%-90%)

Good Range (89%-80%)

Satisfactory Range (79%-70%)

Below Expectations (less than 70%)

1. Title page (1)

Includes a title page that includes your name and a title with name of the disease, (1 point)

Missing a title page or the name of the disease in the title (0 points)

2. Abstract (5)

Includes a short, clear and accurate abstract about the report and the scientific study

Clear Abstract with no more than one mistake in information in the abstract

Abstract unclear, incomplete, or incorrect information

Missing abstract (0 points)

3. Description of pathogen and disease (20)

Complete and accurate summary of the pathogen and disease and written in own words

Accurate summary of the pathogen and disease and written in own words, but some incomplete information

No more than one mistake in information or missing one required type of information

Two or more inaccuracies in description or incomplete description or more than 5% not in your own words

4. Discussion of recent research study (40)

Shows an accurate & thorough understanding of the primary scientific concepts and terms in your report, covers parts a-e, and in own words

Shows an accurate understanding of most of the scientific concepts and terms in your report, covers parts a-e, and in own words

Shows an accurate understanding of most of the scientific concepts and terms in your report and in own words, but missing or incomplete a, b, c, d, or e

Shows a limited understanding of the scientific concepts and terms in your report, missing or limited information for two or more of the required a-d or more than 5% not in your own words

5. Environmental or other factors contributing to disease emergence or re-emergence (15)

Clear, accurate and reasonable discussion of the factor with strong supportive evidence and in own words

Clear, accurate and reasonable discussion of the factor, without strong supportive evidence and in own words

Clear discussion of the factor, but some inaccurate or illogical discussion

Unclear, includes inaccurate information or lacks supportive evidence or more than 5% not in your own words

6. Glossary of terms (5)

Clear description of important terms written in own words

Includes glossary of terms with one term not clearly defined

Includes glossary of terms with 2 terms not clearly defined

No glossary of terms, definitions incomplete or more than two not clearly defined or definitions not written in own words

7. Citations and an annotated bibliography (8)

Includes in-text citations and a bibliography of sources with complete, accurate citations, and an evaluative annotation for each

As for Excellent range, but has 1 or 2 inaccuracies in citations

As for Excellent, but has 3 inaccuracies in citations or no more than one incomplete evaluative annotation for a source

Lacks in-text citations, lacks evaluative annotated bibliography (in own words), or incomplete citations of sources

8. Spelling, grammar, and sentence structure and report organization (6)

No grammatical or spelling errors and report is neat and clearly organized with subheadings

Only 1 or 2 grammatical or spelling errors and is neat and clearly organized with subheadings

3 to 4 grammatical or spelling errors, paragraph construction

More than 4 grammatical or spelling errors, sloppy presentation, or lacks subheadings for each section

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