PAPER GUIDELINES: A requirement for BIO2070is to write a scholarly paper that focuses on a course-related medical topic. The project is organized based upon two parts: medicinal and pathological. The following outline provides a guide for presentation/paper organization. Elaborate on a disease related to the chapters covered during the quarter. •What is smallpox(origin, transmission, etc) and its symptoms? Diarrhea, nausea, vomiting?•What are the causes of smallpox? i.e. biological,environmentalfactors•What specific body systems are affected by the condition and how? i.e. identify the signs and symptoms•Describe the pathogenesis •Discuss the transmission and epidemiology of the disease. What are the means of prevention? •What are options (at least 2) for treatment? If medication is an option for treatment, address two (2) serious side effects of the medication AND the mechanism of action for each side effect Paper Organization Guide•250-wordMAXIMUMAbstract4-6 content pages:MUST have the subheadings below in the order listed!•Introduction: Origin & Transmission❖Include: Reasons for picking this topic•Causation•Signs & Symptoms•Pathogenesis•Epidemiology•Prevention (vaccine?)•Diagnosis•Treatment?(any significantside effects from drugs)•Summary❖Include a basic public education & disease control plan for your topic✓Novel treatments✓What would you do different from what is presently being done?Hint: “informing the public more” is not an acceptable response!The paper and presentation should be organized according to the outline above. References are to be properly noted within the body of the paper according to APA guidelinesas previously discussed.
OTHER PARAMETERS: •Students are required to produce 4-6 content pages of data pertaining to the individual topic. This does not include the cover page, abstract or reference page. •Papers are to be double-spaced, font of 12, with one-inch margins in APA format. •Final papers will be collected from each individual participant. •References. References are to be listed in a numbered formatand the corresponding numbers used for the in-text citations. Minimumof FIVEJournal articles from medically related peer-reviewed scientific journals (Medicine, Nursing, Science, Nature,etc). (Use South University library databases to find the articles about the disease and medication) oEncyclopedias and dictionaries, Wikipedia, WebMD, Drugs.com, consumer web sites or magazines WILL NOTbe counted as professional references Additional Requirements: oCover page with Paper Title, Name of Student, Student’s Program, Name of Class, Date.oThis paper must be written in an APA format. Appropriate documentation of sources (references) should be evident throughout the paper. References should be listed at the end of the paper and should follow reasonably accurate American Psychological Association (APA) formatting. The APA Website: http://www.apastyle.org can be consulted for assistance. Watch the tutorial on the following link, paying attention to the slides 13-25 for in-text citations and reference listing: http://flash1r.apa.org/apastyle/basics/index.htm oFollowing the one-page Abstract (usually just one paragraph;250 wordsmaximum), thepaper begins with an Introduction section describing the general background on the topic. The main section of the paper is developed in subsections with subtitles focusing on different aspects of the topic. Paper ends with a Conclusion section summarizingthe content and emphasizing the significance of the topic. oPage length: minimum 4-6 PAGES of actual content on your topic. This does not include cover page/abstract, title page, or references. Less than 4 FULLpages will result in point deductionsoPapers are to be typed, numbered, double-spaced, font 10-12pt oPlagiarism will result in a grade of zero for this paper (Turn-it-in similarities should be less than 20%. Points will be deducted for going over 20%) oTurn in an electronic copy to Brightspace in the ‘Week 8Project’ submission folderThe paper is due during week eight(8) (5/25/20). Late assignments will be accepted only with prior approval; however, a reduction by one letter grade per day (10%) will apply. If there is no prior approval; a grade of “0” will apply.