Develop a marketing plan for your project, identifying actual users. Be sure to specify the tools, such as software and marketing strategies you will utilize, including open and proprietary web sites, interviews, and media. As a sustainable project, you should also articulate marketing materials that help you sell or lease your project because of its sustainability attributes and advantages.
• Describe how your marketing will respond to the market need identified in your market analysis from Memo 1. Discuss which detailed information and data sources are most useful, and how the marketing platforms you use will help you create a successful marketing effort.
• Branding: Describe how the public will perceive your project and your firm, and how this branding will contribute to the sales/leasing of the project. Consider and discuss your sustainability attributes as part of this brand.
• Discuss the use of consultants and brokers in relation to your marketing effort, as well as role of others on your team such as the architect, contractor, attorney, web manager.
o Describe your selection criteria for choosing those consultants
o Identify examples of work that make the assigned consultants your right choice for this project.
• Discuss use of conventional and innovative marketing, use of internet, websites, and blogs, as well as print publications, TV, radio.
• Discuss use of any unusual key documents related to your transaction such as a deal sheet or acquisition offer, green building marketing materials, data outputs of tools such as ENERGY STAR Target Finder combined with environmental analogues.
• Recognize and discuss how these efforts are sequenced over the course of the entire development and lease-up/sell-out period.
• Re-write or update your overview and introductory elements of MM1 or MM2, as appropriate
1. The basis for this update is new findings from progress made during the process of thinking through your project, possibly including…
1. New opportunities
2. New constraints
3. Guidance from professors or professionals in the field.
• Design and Zoning
1. A more detailed description of the design of your project (site plan, architecture, and interior layout) than previously presented in Memo one. In particularly, discuss those attributes that will be useful and prominent in marketing materials
1. Comment on attributes of the project that are unique and will drive sales/leasing, and are to be highlighted in your market materials
2. Project sketches
1. Stacking plan (if not previously included elsewhere)
2. Sample floor plan
3. Sample view of building
Memo three should be ten to fifteen pages, plus images, maps and charts as appropriate.
For Sustainability Students
o Based on established energy, carbon, and water goals and green certifications, describe how you will promote achievement of these goals and attributes in your marketing and in your contracts.
o Identify the sustainability attributes of your project in green marketing and financial analysis terms, such
Carbon reduction equivalents compared to, for instance, acres of trees planted or emissions savings from taking X number of cars off the road
Intangibles and assumptions, such as accelerated lease up, from green marketing/positioning
Measurable impacts on NOI.
o Mock-up how you will promote these sustainable attributes of your project in marketing and communications efforts.