The suggested format of the summative assessment is as follows:
PART A Worth 10% (400 words)
1. Introduce your organisation.
2. Based on evidence collected about your organisation, infer how marketing orientated it is.
*Key requirements of Part A: Definition of marketing or a marketing orientated organisation, evidence of marketing activities
PART B Worth 30% (600 words)
• Analyse the marketing activities (using 4Ps framework) that the organisation undertakes.
*Key requirements of Part B: 4Ps framework (use this as sub-headings), Marketing topics, theories or concepts covered in this module
PART C Worth 30% (600 words)
• Based on your analysis in PART B, outline how the organisation responds to 1) market environment changes and 2) the buyer behaviour within its market.
*Key requirements of Part C: Market environment changes, STP model to define the buyer of the organisation
PART D Worth 20% (400 words)
1. Make two recommendations regarding how the marketing could be improved.
2. Justify how and why these recommendations would benefit the organisation.
*Key requirements of Part D: Marketing recommendations developed based on Part A, B, and C with clear justifications
• Structure, Academic writing skills, Quality of references, and Harvard referencing system
Your report will include
• Written work in a report style – clear concise, uses heading, subheadings and bullet points.
• Visuals: Including photos you have taken as well as images that the organisation uses.
• Data: Secondary data collected from a variety of source.
• Within all parts of your assessment: links to academic theory.
You can include appendices if you want but remember to refer to them in the written report.
Assessment Criteria Grade A*
80-100% Grade A
70-79% Grade B
60-69% Grade C
50-59% Grade D
40-49% Grade F
35-39% Grade F
Part A (10%)
Introduction of the organisation with data
Definition of marketing or a marketing orientated organisation Excellent scope yet focused exploration of the notion of marketing and the key attributes of a marketing orientated organisation with fruitful evidence and examples Comprehensive scope and awareness of the concept of marketing or a market orientated organisation providing some evidence Good awareness of the definition of marketing with links made to the organisation providing evidence Description of the organisation demonstrating sound awareness of the concept of marketing
Simple description of the organisation
Some, possibly superficial knowledge, lacks detail and links to the concept of marketing Failure to adequately address the brief Failure to consider the brief
Part B (30%)
Analysis of marketing activities using 4Ps framework
Application of marketing concepts or theories Outstanding analysis and critical evaluation of marketing activities based on 4Ps framework
Critical evaluation of inter-relationships among the components of the marketing mix
Excellent application of marketing concepts, theories or ideas in each marketing mix component discussion Comprehensive scope and analysis of marketing activities based on 4Ps framework
Attempt to offer evaluation of inter-relationships among the components of the marketing mix
Confident application of marketing theories and ideas to each marketing mix component discussion High level of knowledge and understanding of marketing activities based on 4Ps framework
Good application of theories and ideas to each marketing mix component discussion
Sound knowledge and understanding of 4Ps framework
Sound application of theories and ideas to each marketing mix component discussion
Some, possibly superficial knowledge, may be some weaknesses but acknowledges 4Ps framework
Some application expression of theories and ideas
Relevance of all content not always clear Inadequate knowledge and understanding of marketing activities
Descriptive lists of marketing examples
Poor application of theories and ideas
Inability to discuss 4Ps framework
List of marketing examples without evidence
Part C (30%)
1)Identification of market environment changes
2)Identification of the buyer behaviour of the organisation using STP model
Analysis of how the organisation reacts to 1) and 2) High level awareness of market environment changes and the buyer behaviour
Excellent application of STP model to define the buyer of the organisation
Skilful and sustained critical analysis and evaluation of the organisation’s response to 1) and 2) Good awareness of market environment changes and the buyer behaviour
Confident application of STP model to define the buyer of the organisation
Critical analysis and evaluation of the organisation’s response to 1) and 2)
Awareness of market environment changes and the buyer behaviour
Good application of STP model to define the buyer of the organisation
Analysis of the organisation’s response to 1) and 2)
Basic level awareness of market environment changes and the buyer behaviour
Acknowledge of STP model to define the buyer of the organisation
Analysis of the organisation’s response to 1) and 2) but descriptive rather than analytical Capacity to discuss environment changes and the buyer behaviour without sophisticated analysis or evidence
Superficial understanding of the buyer of the organisation without STP model
Lack of discussion of the organisation’s response to 1) and 2) Inadequate discussion of environment changes and the buyer behaviour
Factual and descriptive – limited analysis Inability to discuss market environment changes and the buyer behaviour
Part D (20%)
Marketing (practical) suggestions
Investigation of contemporary marketing related issues in the marketplace Suggestion of creative and specific marketing recommendations considering limitations and key strengths
Outstanding links between all sections providing justifications why these suggestions could benefit the organisation Suggestion of some specific marketing recommendations with clear justifications
Excellent discussion regarding the importance of marketing recommendations Suggestion of some general marketing recommendations with justifications
Connections made between earlier analysis and marketing recommendations
Suggestion of some marketing recommendations but lack of sound justifications
Weak connections made between earlier analysis and marketing recommendations
Description of marketing recommendations with lack of justifications (superficial and descriptive)
Lack of connections made between earlier analysis and marketing recommendations
Inadequate knowledge and understanding regarding marketing recommendations Inability to suggest recommendations
Presentation (10%)
Academic writing
Harvard referencing system Substantial and well -chosen selection of reading to inform discussion
Scholarly discussion, coherent organisation, fluent expression and accurate Harvard referencing throughout
Good quality of references
Excellent presentation Good use of reading to support clear argument
Articulate discussion, fluent expression and accurate Harvard referencing throughout
Good quality of references
Well presented Sound use of relevant reading to support clear argument
Adroit argument, good grasp and insight and accurate use of Harvard referencing
Numerous references including some academic sources
Well presented Some use of theory to support and develop discussion
Sound structure with few errors in English with mostly accurate use of Harvard referencing
Numerous references but lack of academic sources
Sound presentation Limited use of reading to support discussion
Structure muddled and unclear in places and some errors in use of Harvard referencing
Adequate presentation Limited sources, references used incorrectly
Structure significantly weak, serious errors in English and incorrect use of Harvard referencing
Poor presentation Very few or zero references used
Failure to adhere to specified format for assignment.