Dissertation Proposal Form
We hope to make available a downloadable version of this form. When filling it in, please note that it is only as the basis for discussion. The topic often changes when a student comes to do more intensive work on the subject. By filling in this form you are not committing yourself to following what it says. The purpose of the form is to help clarify your thoughts, and to allow us to understand your initial aims, so we can help you.
However, the Proposal is meant to reflect a few weeks of work on your Dissertation.q
Dissertation topic group e.g. Portfolio Behaviour and Financial Markets.
Your name
Contact details
Student registration number
Date of submitting this proposal
Draft title (which should be a question)
Description of the work to be done (100-200 words)
4-8 draft chapter headings, showing the structure of the Dissertation. 1. Introduction.
2. (Usually ‘Literature Survey’.)
5. (Final chapter is usually ‘Conclusions’.)
What particular problems can you see ahead in writing your Dissertation?
What progress have you made in accumulating the research materials (for instance journal articles, computer packages) you will need?
Particular matters you would like to discuss?
Supervisor’s comments (Leave blank)