Project Title: Opening and operating a hand tools, power tools general hardware distribution company with own brands in Romania. Subsidiary company of an already existing organization. Based on sources from 2017-2018-2019
Background and Literature Review:
Rationale of Project: Construction market is a leading market in Romania with great potential for many brands that are involved within building materials sector. The Romanian DIY market grew by 8.5 per cent to a volume of EUR 12.4 bn in 2017, according to estimates by the market research company PMR. For 2018 an increase of 7.4 per cent to EUR 13.3 bn is expected, Bricoretail.ro reports. The growing market of construction provides an excellent environment for a company to sell all products related to construction and home improvement. Our company will provide and extensive assortment of hand tools, power tools and hardware equipment through several channels like DIY stores, building material stores and hardware stores.
Aims and/or Hypothesis of your Research:
Ethical Considerations:
Proposed Analysis of Data:
Opening and operating a hand tools, power tools general hardware distribution company with own brands
in Romania. Subsidiary company of an already existing organization. Based on sources from 2017-2018-