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Operations Management


Title: Manufacturing Simulation – Air Motor
Module Name: MP2721 Operations Management A
Module Leader: Mr Peter May
Semester: S2, 2019-2020

Learning Outcomes
The assignment should produce sufficient evidence for the fulfilment of the following module learning outcomes:
1. Describe and illustrate the scope, context and significance of the role of operations management.
2. Describe and illustrate the scope, context and significance of manufacturing.
3. Explain, justify and apply specific operations management techniques.
4. Apply both general and operations management specific software.
5 Apply team-working, communication and researching skills.

Key Dates
Release Date 09-01-2020
Submission Deadline 27-03-2020, 23:59
Report word count 2000 words (± 200 words)
Weighting 50% of the total module’s mark

1. Introduction
The aim of the assignment is to use specific operations software to simulate and optimise the manufacturing process of an air motor manufactured within the EIC workshop environment whilst appreciating the role of operations management. A written technical report will show the creation of the simulation and operational decisions taken by you prior to starting the simulation. The report will contain a proliferation of illustrations/screenshots of elements of your simulation. Further research is expected to focus on the wider application and significance of operations management techniques.

Figure 1 EIC Workshop layout and Air Motor assembly (DWG on blackboard)
2. Technical Tasks
Simulate the parts manufacturing and the assembly processes using SIMUL8 software for the mass production of the Air Motor as detailed in this brief. Produce a report covering the following five elements:
2.1 Simulation Assumptions
You are to make operational assumptions for your simulation to simplify its construction. Your initial priority should be to create a simple simulation that gives credible results; to gain higher grades look to add elements to the simulation to expand, further refine the model and interpret the results to optimise the processes. This will involve making your own assumptions for certain factors, you may work in groups to discuss and decide on the initial assumptions. Explain and justify your assumptions and decisions and consider how the simulation could be refined once a basic simulation is working.
Sample assumptions to build your initial model: (it is not compulsory to use these, you are free to create your own assumptions)
• All staff have the same skill level and can be assigned to any of the activities.
• All raw materials arrive on time, cut to length and are always in stock.
• Each machine can operate 8 hours a day 5 days a week.
• Bought-in items such as springs and nuts & bolts arrive on time and are always in stock.
• All queues are infinite.
2.2 Target Goals and KPI’s
Before you begin your simulation, plan, discuss and decide what measurable factors and key performance indicators (KPIs) you wish to derive from the simulation from an operations management point of view e.g. utilisation of machines, queues, maximum capacity etc. Explain and justify your decisions.
2.3 Simulations
Determine the maximum weekly capacity of EIC workshop to manufacture and assemble the Air Motors (see CAD drawing of workshop layout).
Initially build a simple simulation to show the flow of work through the different manufacturing activities, do not attempt the whole simulation in one go.
To gain higher marks look to add elements to the simulation to expand, refine and optimise it. This could include (but is not limited to) things such as adding labour resources to activities to determine minimum staffing levels to achieve maximum capacity or adding Inspection/Quality Control into the process. Highlight potential bottlenecks in the process and seek to improve capacity and efficiency in the process.
2.4 Simulation Results
Present the findings from your simulations in a report with respect to your original target goals and KPI’s. Liberally illustrate your report with screenshots of ways in which your simulation functions. Comment on your results and justify your decisions for improvements.
2.5 Role of Operations Management and Manufacturing
Describe the scope, context and significance of Operations Management in this manufacturing task. Through further reading and research explain what operations management techniques should be adopted for this type of work beyond simply manufacturing the Air Motor e.g. Project Management, Quality, Statistical Process Control, Lean Manufacturing, Six Sigma. You do not have to incorporate any of these elements into your simulation.
3. Things to Consider
Here are a couple of points to consider when writing the final report:
• For Information regarding the machines and resources in the EIC workshop please visit the following link:
• The basic model should represent the full current component manufacturing and assembly processes. The assembly processes will be introduced in the practical sessions.
• Appendices are used only to provide further explanation of a specific idea and it should not be used to provide vital information in the report, i.e. the reader does NOT need to read the appendices yet still understands the entire report.
• Figures should have captions and numbers. Sections should be numbered as well.
• Focus on your input and the use of the software. For instance, do not explain how the software’s buttons work, you should rather explain the selection of the input data. For example:
Do not write: “an activity button that is shown in Fig. 1 gives the ability to input the time, standard deviation, and the resources required for doing the activity”.
You may write: “the sheet metal forming process is represented by an activity button that requires both time and resources. Fixed time of 1 min and two operators are used as an input for this activity”.
• Any references should be cited using the Harvard reference system.

4. Marking (50% of the module final mark)
All submitted materials will be evaluated against the following marking scheme (which adds up to 100%):
• Task 1 Simulation Assumptions (10% weighting)
• Task 2 Target Goals and KPI’s (10% weighting)
• Task 3 Basic & Improved Simulations (50% weighting)
• Task 4 Simulation Results (20% weighting)
• Task 5 Role of Operations Management (10% weighting)

5. Submissions
• An individual report should be submitted using Turnitin within the module’s Blackboard space under the Assignments Section
• The SIMUL8 file of your final improved model should be also submitted to a separate link on Blackboard.

6. Feedback
• Feedback on the assignment will be provided by 08/05/2020

7. Process timings
• The planned materials and method for manufacture of the components for the Air Motor is shown according to the table 1 below.
• Machining operations and estimated timings are to the nearest 30 seconds. Bought in parts stated as such in the table.
• Timings include loading and unloading from machines into bins of parts.
Table 1.
Part No Description Qty Material Time/s + Processes/Activities
1 Base 1 Mild Steel
5mm plate Op 1: 1 min waterjet or laser cutter & deburr
Op2: 2 mins countersink ()
2 Upright 1 Mild Steel
5mm plate Op 1: 3 min waterjet or laser cutter & deburr
Op2: 4 mins drill & tap,
Op3: 1 min surface grinding.
3 Flywheel 1 Mild Steel
40mm Bar Op 1: 4 mins Turning (Lathe)
Op 2: 2 min drill & tap
4 Crankshaft 1 Mild Steel
6mm Bar 2 mins Turning (Lathe)
5 Grub Screw 1 Bought In n/a
6 Back Plate 1 Brass Flat Bar
19 x 5 Op 1: 3 min mill width
Op 2: 2 min mill slot/drill/tap
7 Cylinder 1 Brass ¾” Bar 4 min Turning (Lathe)
8 Head 1 Brass ¾” Bar 3 min Turning (Lathe)
9 Piston 1 Mild Steel
13mm Bar 4 min Turning (Lathe)
10 Con Rod 1 Mild Steel
8mm Bar Op 1: 3 min Turning (Lathe)
Op 2: 4 mill flats & hole
11 Crank Pin 1 Bought In n/a
12 Crank Web 1 Mild Steel
40mm Bar Op 1: 2 min Turning (Lathe)
Op 2: 2 min mill flats & drill/tap holes
13 Bearing Housing 1 Mild Steel
28mm Bar Op 1: 3 min lathe
Op 2: 2 min mill flats to drill all 4 holes
14 Bush 2 Brass 10mm Bar 1 min 30 seconds Turning (Lathe)
15 Pipes 2 Copper Pipe 4mm 30 seconds to cut pipe to length & deburr
16 Spring 1 Bought In n/a
17 Knurled Nut 1 Brass 16mm Bar 2 min Turning & Knurling (Lathe)
18 Cylinder Pivot 1 Mild Steel 5mm Bar 1:30 Turning & Thread cutting (Lathe)

Assembly timings to be determined during student practical sessions

8. Air Motor – Drawings and Specifications
• The attached PDF’s and the following pages contain the component drawings for the Air Motor for reference
• (Numbers are according to the table above)

Figure 2 Dimensions of Air Motor components

Figure 2 (Continued) Dimensions of Air Motor components

Rubric Assessment
Exceptional 1st 94 An exceptional technical report derived from an excellent simulation illustrating a clear understanding of the Manufacturing and Operations elements needed to manufacture the Air Motor and its Components. Assumptions made for the simulation are extremely well judged and considered. The simulation gives credible results and has been used to improve the system in a meaningful manner. The scope, context and significance of Operations Management is very well described relative to the task with evidence of sound research.
High 1st 87 An excellent technical report derived from an effective simulation illustrating a very good understanding of the Manufacturing and Operations elements needed to manufacture the Air Motor and its Components. Assumptions made for the simulation are very well judged and considered. The simulation gives credible results and has been used to improve elements of the system well. The scope, context and significance of Operations Management is well described relative to the task with firm evidence of meaningful research.
Mid 1st 80 An excellent technical report derived from a well-produced simulation illustrating a very good understanding of the Manufacturing and Operations elements needed to manufacture the Air Motor and its Components. Assumptions made for the simulation are well judged and considered. The simulation gives credible results but may lack a little detail and has been used to improve the majority of elements of the system. The scope, context and significance of Operations Management is well described relative to the task with evidence of well-considered research.
Low 1st 74 A very good technical report derived from a well-produced simulation illustrating a good understanding of the Manufacturing and Operations elements needed to manufacture the Air Motor and its Components. Assumptions made for the simulation are appropriately judged and considered. The simulation gives credible results but may lack some detail and has been used to improve key elements of the system. The scope, context and significance of Operations Management is well described relative to the task with evidence of good research.
High 2:1 68 A good technical report derived from an effective simulation illustrating a good understanding of the Manufacturing and Operations elements needed to manufacture the Air Motor and its Components. Assumptions made for the simulation are judged and considered but may be lacking in detail or contain naivety. The simulation gives reasonable results but may lack some detail and has been used in part to improve key elements of the system. The scope, context and significance of Operations Management is described relative to the task with evidence of some research but may lack depth and quality.
Mid 2:1 65 A good technical report derived from a working simulation showing a relatively good understanding of the Manufacturing and Operations elements needed to manufacture the Air Motor and its Components. Assumptions made for the simulation are judged and considered but may be lacking in detail or contain naivety. The simulation gives some results but may lack some detail and has been used in part to improve key elements of the system. The scope, context and significance of Operations Management is described relative to the task with evidence some research but may lack depth and quality or be superficial.
Low 2:1 62 A generally good technical report derived from a working simulation showing an acceptable understanding of the Manufacturing and Operations elements needed to manufacture the Air Motor and its Components. Assumptions made for the simulation may be lacking in detail or contain naivety. The simulation gives some results but lacks significant detail, some attempt is made to improve key elements of the system. The scope, context and significance of Operations Management is described but may not cover each element or be relative to the task, there may be lack depth and quality or superficial.
High 2:2 58 A generally good technical report derived from a working simulation, simulation may have errors or not perform effectively but shows some acceptable understanding of the Manufacturing and Operations elements needed to manufacture the Air Motor and its Components. Assumptions made for the simulation may be lacking in detail or contain naivety. The simulation gives some results but lacks fairly significant detail, some basic attempt is made to improve key elements of the system. The scope, context and significance of Operations Management is described but may be superficial or not cover each element or be relative to the task, a general lack depth and quality may be evident.
Mid 2:2 52 A fairly good technical report derived from a mostly working simulation, simulation may be somewhat incomplete or have errors or not perform effectively but shows some general understanding of the Manufacturing and Operations elements needed to manufacture the Air Motor and its Components. Assumptions made for the simulation may be quite lacking in detail or contain naivety. The simulation gives some results but lacks fairly significant detail, some basic attempt is made to improve key parts of the system but may miss essential elements. The scope, context and significance of Operations Management is described but may be superficial or not cover each element or be irrelevant to the task, a general lack depth and quality could be evident.
Low 2:2 40- 45 An acceptable technical report derived from a basic or partly working simulation, simulation may have errors, be incomplete or not perform effectively but shows some basic understanding of the Manufacturing and Operations elements needed to manufacture the Air Motor and its Components. Assumptions made for the simulation may be very lacking in detail or contain naivety. The simulation gives some results but they are unsound or lack fairly significant detail, little attempt is made to improve key parts of the system and key elements may be missing altogether. The scope, context and significance of Operations Management is either not described or may be irrelevant to the task, a general lack depth and quality could be evident.
Marginal Fail 35* A below standard report which attempts to relate to the simulation but is either ill-conceived or derived. Little attempt to improve aspects of the simulation and scope, context and significance of operations Management is severely lacking or non-existent
Mid Fail 30* A well below standard report which attempts to relate to a poor or grossly incomplete simulation or is either ill-conceived or derived. Little or no attempt to improve aspects of the simulation and scope, context and significance of operations Management is severely lacking or non-existent
Low Fail 25 A well below standard report with almost no meaningful simulation or interpretation of results.
Fail 10 Little meaningful content, no attempt to simulate or severely lacking
Non-submission 0 No submission or so incomplete or lacking in meaningful content as to not warrant a Fail grade

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