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P53 Gene and future for cancer treatmeny

P53 Gene and future for cancer treatmeny

please use simple language, explain in details give a real examples about the topic there’s a book called P53 the gene that cracked cancer chapter 20 is a good source for this paper this is the fourth time I order this paper and she always says that normal people will not be able to read it or understanded i will attached the rubric and the research paper. like if you used scientific terms explain to the audience what is that? and how it will help with cancer treatment. I am reading over your draft, and, sorry to say, you have a lot of revising to do. The good news is that you have time to work on it. Start by thinking about your audience. Your audience is your fellow students, your classmates. Write your paper with them in mind. What would interest them about your topic? What do you need to explain? Next, while it is great that you have scholarly articles, you also need some more popular sources designed for the general public. These will help you write the background information into your paper. They will help you sketch out the subject in more interesting, laymen terms. I recommend that you watch and include some videos. Maybe there are some Ted Talks out there on P53. Read some sources that introduce genetic research and the role of the P53 gene to the general reader. You need to bring your reader up to speed and keep them interested. What would they be interested in hearing about P53? How would you respond to, “So what, why should I take the time to read this? How does it pertain to me or my interests?” As I have stated, this is not an informational report. You should not be writing a book on P53, explaining everything about it. I am looking for a research paper that examines a debatable topic. It also needs to have a clear thesis. Your paper has neither of these traits. You need a clear thesis. What one thing are you trying to say here? What are you trying to argue? It cannot be just telling the reader about P53. Think of a controversial issue related to its potential future use. Is there a specific form of cancer that could be your focus? For example, cancers caused by a virus. Are you arguing that it is the most viable option for cancer treatment? Are you arguing that it is the future direction for cancer treatment? If so, you need to say that outright and then develop points to convince the reader. Think of 2-4 points that you could make here. Or you could focus on the P53 gene and cancers caused by a virus. You need a better opening or lead paragraph, one that really grabs the reader’s attention and makes them want to continue reading. You could do that with an anecdote or story related to genetic research or a specific patient. Draw them into the subject. After your initial paragraph in which you grab the readers’ attention. Set the stage for your thesis statement. Then state it as well as how you are going to argue it in the paper. Follow this with a couple pages of background information on how cancer is typically treated. Then give background information on P53. Lay your ideas out in an outline and email it to me. Build your argument. I have attached some articles that I found. Look them over and read some more articles that are not scholarly research. Watch some videos. Connect the scholarly and nonscholarly sources into a paper for your peers that argues a specific point. As you revise your thesis, you may need additional scholarly sources that match it better. Example: YouTube video on P53 – Citations for the attached articles: Trafton, Anne. “Closing a Back Door for Cancer.” MIT Technology Review, vol. 117, no. 1, Jan. 2014, p. 7. EBSCOhost,,ip,url,cpid&custid=s9004980&db=aph&AN=93251064&site=ehost-live&scope=site. Markx, Jean. “Recruiting the Cell’s Own Guardian for Cancer Therapy.” Science, vol. 315, no. 5816, 2 March 2007, pp. 1211-1213.

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