Paper Topic and Outline – Students must submit a one-page outline about their research paper and sources. This includes your paper topic, planned thesis sentence, and a paragraph (abstract) detailing what the paper will cover. Also, five academic sources (including the class textbook) should be formally listed in the outline section in APA Style. There is an example of the way the Outline should be constructed posted under the course announcements on blackboard. (Worth up to 50 points). To be submitted via web. Paper Topics and Outlines are due Sunday, April 12th, by 11:59 p.m. Research Papers are due via Blackboard on or before the last day of class, Thursday, May 14th, by 11:59pm!
Guidelines for the Final Research Paper are as follows:
Meeting length requirement (5-7 page minimum, not counting works cited):
Proper citation for course material on separate works cited page.
Proper formatting: Double spaced, Times New Roman/Arial 12 point font.
1” margins.
Spelling and grammar – use spell check!
Content Guidelines:
1. State your thesis statement in the first paragraph of the paper. (See grading rubric for thesis statements under the “Course Documents” tab). State your conclusion in the last paragraph of the paper.
2. Incorporate what you have learned in the course into the paper. It may be helpful to review lectures or notes before responding to the video. Include citations whenever you use course material.
3. Be creative! Find what you liked most about the class and text and incorporate it into your response. This is your chance to insert your own perspective into addressing course issues.
4. Think critically. (This is the most important part.) This course is not meant just to provide with facts or descriptions, but to add to your understanding of our multicultural society. You may agree or disagree with some of the ideas and concepts of the text —which is OK, just make sure to justify all of your statements with citations when appropriate. (For example, you may find something in the text that contradicts something covered in the news, and choose to discuss those differences).
Paper Assignment Rubric –
Criteria Outstanding
100-90 points
A Range Proficient
B Range Basic
C Range Below Expectation
69 – and below
D and F Range
Critical Thinking All ideas are well-developed.
Well analyzed
Content rich Most ideas are well developed
Substantial information
Some use of analysis and insight Little development
General information competence
Information thin and commonplace No clear development of ideas
No analysis
Organization Logical and easily followed organization.
All ideas related to question and one another. Clear overall organization relating most ideas to question and each other. Little organization.
Few links between ideas Scattered organization that interferes with understanding.
No linkages between ideas.
Support ample, relevant, concrete evidence
persuasive support for every debatable assertion
uses multiple, reliable sources which are assessed critically relevant, concrete evidence and
persuasive support for most debatable assertions; uses
multiple or reliable sources which are not always assessed critically merely adequate evidence and
support for most assertions; uses single or multiple sources, which may be unreliable and used uncritically weak evidence and
persuasive support; uses limited source(s), and/or relies predominantly on sweeping generalizations, narration, description, or summary
Stylistics Few grammatical or stylistic errors
Effective word choices Several grammatical or stylistic errors
Effective word choices Obvious grammatical or stylistic errors
Errors interfere with content
Poor word choice Obvious grammatical or stylistic errors
Interferes with understanding
Poor word choice and interferes with understand-ability of response.