Write a 20 pages paper on strategic management and information systems. The strategic position of an organization must be clearly understood to ensure that strategic choices for future and strategy management issues are put into action. As a result, the internal and external environment of the organization are analysed to develop strategies necessary for resource allocation. Successful allocation of resources enables the organization attain a competitive advantage towards goal achievement (Paul, 2006).
The Adizes PAEI Model of management is a four faced model with short-term orientation, long-term orientation, internal and external orientation. The key players in this model are. the Producer, Administrator, Entrepreneur, and Integrator (PAEI). Their roles in the four orientations produce results, procedure systems, creativity continuity, and motivation co-operation.
The producer is concerned about the external and short-term orientation programs for the organization. The focus is result oriented in relation to the plans and management roles of the organization. The implementation of the strategic plan must comply with the market perspective of the organization.
The entrepreneur element integrates external and long-term orientation with a focus on creativity and continuity in the market. Through this element, strategic management enables exploration of new market opportunities to enable the organization attain competitive edge advantages.
The roles of strategic manager are not very different from those of other managers but are obliged to operate within the tight confined market. The thinking of strategic managers is abstract, affecting their roles within the organisation confined to three decision levels. strategic, tactical and operational roles. These roles affect and are influenced by external and internal environmental factors.
This level offers an organization a competitive riding advantage over others.