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In this course, the students are required to complete three projects in order to gain hands-on experience to make important financial decisions. Grading for the case project will be based on the extent to which the written briefs and oral presentations clearly demonstrate students’ understanding and synthesis of course materials.
Groups are mainly assigned alphabetically. Although diversifying your friend portfolio is encouraged, you have an option to form your own group in order to best accommodate the meeting schedule of all.

1) Brief – Students need to prepare and submit a brief for the case. For individual case, every student needs to submit his/her case brief individually. Please refer to the course schedule for specific due date of each case. answer all of guideline questions.

Format of Case Brief
A) 1) Be brief and concise, but not at the expense of clarity and thoroughness. 2) Attach a cover sheet that list class and section, group number, list of group members, case name and case number. 3) Keep a business style writing; Time new Roman font, 12 pt; one inch margins; Single-space paragraphs; Double-space between paragraphs and after headers. 4) Section headers in bold; sub-headers italicized, no punctuation after headers. 5) Use tables, charts, graphs, and numbering to consolidate information whenever necessary. Keep it interesting. Be creative but professional.

B) If you use any external information for your case brief, cite the sources of the information at the end of your brief. Copying from any external source without proper citing is considered plagiarism and will be met with severe form of punishment for a violation of academic integrity.

C) You should not include or use any information beyond the case’s event time in making your financial forecasting and budgeting decisions in your brief.

D) It should be noted that there are usually no absolute right solutions for study cases. While there are no right answers,
there are strong arguments and weak arguments. This course is designed to help the student learn to distinguish between sensible and weak arguments, but not to provide precise answers to specific cases.

E) Please also submit all your Excel worksheets that contain your supporting quantitative methods and
calculations in addition to the word file for the case projects.

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