Schedule for the Synthesis Paper at a Glance:
W 4/1 (G-Meet)
1) Discuss and introduce synthesis paper (read and discuss this handout); brainstorming for synthesis paper (read and discuss the handout entitled “Synthesis Paper Process”)
2) Homework: Read example synthesis papers 1 and 2 on your own
M 4/6 (Announcement)
1) My announcement will describe the introductions, body paragraphs, and conclusions of the example papers
2) Homework: Read the handouts entitled “Synthesis Paper: Organization” that is based on the example synthesis essay 1 and “Mapping and Drafting the Synthesis Paper: What, How, and Why”); start drafting your own synthesis paper (intro and body paragraph 1)
W 4/8 (G-Meet)
1) Discuss the handouts entitled “Synthesis Paper: Organization” that is based on the example synthesis essay 1 and “Mapping and Drafting the Synthesis Paper: What, How, and Why;” discuss your intro and body paragraph 1
2) Homework: Continue drafting paper (body paragraphs)
M 4/13 (Announcement)
1) Work on the synthesis (you can email me or we can have a one-on-one G-Meet during my online office hours 9:30-10:30 and/or during class time 3:00-4:20 EST)
2) Homework: Finish draft of synthesis paper (include a conclusion)
W 4/15 (G-Meet)
1) Discuss threads for peer review
2) Homework: Peer review synthesis
M 4/20 (Announcement)
1) Synthesis due on Notebowl by midnight; introduce final research paper and discuss reflective essays
2) Homework: Finish final version of synthesis paper
Note: all handouts are attached to the assignment entitled “Synthesis: Final” except for the peer review questions for the synthesis, which are attached to the assignment entitled “Synthesis: Peer Review”
Conclusion: An appropriate conclusion should go beyond merely restating your thesis. Rather, gesture towards the future:
• What have you discovered as a result of doing the synthesis?
• How do these texts relate to your own thesis?
• What avenues for future work does the synthesis open?
Assume that your audience is unfamiliar with your research topic but is an educated audience.
The final draft is worth 200 points. The peer review draft and your comments for a peer are worth 10 points total. All drafts should be 4-5 pages, double-spaced, in 12-point Times New Roman, 1-inch margins. The final draft should be 4-5 pages in length as well. Use MLA formatting. Include a Works Cited page, correctly formatted