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Assignment Paper

Paper details
You must write the code files by hand for all assignments in this class. A simple text editor, such as Notepad or
Notepad++ will suffice. DO NOT use web page programs, such as FrontPage, Dreamweaver, etc. You must
write the code for your web pages yourself.
Make sure all of your web pages comply with the HTML 5 standards. DO NOT use deprecated (outdated) tags
and attributes from previous versions of HTML. By including the HTML 5 DOCTYPE declaration in your
webpages, and validating all of your HTML files, you can be sure that your code complies with HTML 5.
Create your file(s) using a text editor, such as Notepad or Notepad++, and name the main page (home page of
your website) “LastFirstAssignment1.html” where “Last” is your last name and “First” is your first name. For
example, if your name is John Smith, you would name your main file SmithJohnAssignment1.html
This assignment requires a minimum of one HTML file. If you wish to create more than one page to the websiteyou are creating this week, you may submit additional files. Just make sure that the main file is named
according to the above guidelines.
You are not required to create a CSS style sheet for this assignment (we will begin learning CSS3 in next
week’s lessons). However, if you wish to include a CSS style sheet, you may. However, make sure that any
CSS style sheets you include adhere to the CSS3 standards and pass validation.
You are encouraged to test all of your web pages at the W3C mobile OK Checker. Keep in mind that all pages
of your website must pass validation on the W3C mobile OK Checker when you submit your website for the
Final Project at the end of Week 8. Therefore, if you can test your pages each week and begin correcting any
errors that you find, you will have less work to do during the final week of the course to ensure your web pages
pass validation on the W3C mobile OK Checker before submitting your Final Project.
Two parts :
1.Create an informative web page about any topic that interests you. Make sure that you write the content (the
paragraphs of information about your topic) yourself. Do not copy content from other web pages. Your web
page should contain at least 4-6 paragraphs of information, arranged in a logical manner (appropriately using
headings and sub-headings, as well as HTML5 structure elements). Do not re-use webpages or webpage
content that you have already used for a grade in a previous course, such as WEBD121. Although the skills
you gained in other courses will give you a good foundation to build upon in this class, you are expected to
create original work for this course, using new content and new code that you learn in this course. Use this as
an opportunity to teach me something new about a topic which you are knowledgeable about!
Your web page must include all of the following:
1. Contains the HTML 5 DOCTYPE declaration
2. Correctly uses html, head, and body tags
3. Includes charset, author, keywords, and description meta tags
4. Use title tags to give your page an appropriate title
5. In the body section of your document, include at least 5 of the 7 HTML5 structure elements in Table 1-2 of
Lesson 1 of your textbook. Be sure to use each structure element correctly, containing information appropriate
for that type of structure element.
6. Include an image on your page.
7. Include at least 4-6 paragraphs of meaningful content on your page.
8. Validate your file and fix any errors that the validator identifies before submitting your web page.
2.Your website (HTML files) must include all of the following:
1. Correctly uses all basic HTML 5 tags, such as HTML 5 DOCTYPE declaration; html, head, and body tags;
charset, author, keywords, and description meta tags; title tags; and HTML5 structure elements (found in Table
1-2 of Lesson 1 of your textbook). In particular, be sure to use each structure element correctly, containing
information appropriate for that type of structure element.
2. Include at least 4-6 paragraphs of meaningful content on your page.
3. Images, hyperlinks, and other HTML elements appropriate to your page.4. Validate all HTML files and fix any errors that the validator identifies before submitting your assignment.
Your style sheets (CSS files) must include all of the following:
1. Correctly coded CSS3 selectors and properties, including a variety of background properties, border
properties, font properties, and text effects.
2. Validate all CSS files (and all HTML files that contain embedded CSS) and fix any errors that the validator
identifies before submitting your assignment.

Essay Mill

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