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Assignment Paper

Instructions and requirements I would like a dissertation with three chapters that consists of 80 pages. The chapters are: 1. Introduction 2. Literature review 3. Hypotheses The topic of this thesis is boards. In this study, the impact of information supply of boards on the judgment of non-executive directors (Supervisory board members) are researched. The scientific fields regarding this topic are corporate governance, boardroom, two-tier governance model and public administration or public management. Requirements chapter 1: • In the introduction argue the research aim and the questions. The question is: what is the impact of information supply on the judgment of non-executive directors? • In this study cognitive psychology and behaviorism are combined with corporate governance literature. • The research gap is that we look at the board from cognitive perspective. • The main question is: what is the impact of information supply of board on the judgment of non-executive directs? Requirements chapter 2: literature review • Perspectives of governing board: Agency theory, steward theory and stakeholder theory. • Most of the studies in the literature are agency and stewardship theory should be argued. • Arguing that board research is mainly focus on composition, diversity and performance or effectivity of the organization. • The assumption in the literature about boards that the board would have a direct impact on organizational effectiveness or performance is not plausible. • The product of boards is mainly information and judgment about subjects regarding the organization. Therefore, is cognitive/cognition perspective plausible. • The research is about the relationship of information supply and judgment/decision of non-executive directors in the boards. • The information supply consists obtain, process and share. o Obtain: information search and information flow o Process: confirmation bias, information overload o Share: cognitive conflict. o Complexity of information (consist of diversity and volume of information). • The judgment consists of quality and time: o Judgment quality: integrative complexity. o Judgment time. • In addition to these variables. Also the context of the board and personal factors of non-executive directors are important. o Context of board:  Effort norms  Sector  Structure of board (number of meetings etc.) o Personal factors:  Experience of non-executive directors  Tenure  Hours per month to spend for board tasks  Education  Gender  Age  Information processing style of the non-executive director (rational- analytical or intuitive) Coming from dual processing theory. • The literature review must justify this research question: What is the impact of information supply on the judgment of non-executive directors? • The literature review must justify the further steps in the research like: first survey and then experimental research. There is less experimental research in the body of knowledge of boards research. Requirements chapter 3: hypotheses • Use these hypotheses in the chapter. Start with arguments from the literature to argue the hypothesis: o The information flow has a positive effect on the judgment quality (integrative complexity) of non-executive directors. o The information search has a positive effect on the judgment quality (integrative complexity) of non-executive directors. o Effort norms of boards has a positive moderated effect on the relationship between information search and judgment quality. o Confirmation bias has a negative impact on the judgment quality. o Tenure of non-executive directors has a negative moderated effect on the relationship between confirmation bias and judgment quality. o Cognitive conflict has a positive effect on the judgment quality. o with a higher complexity of information, the quality of judgment is statistically significantly lower than with a lower complexity of information. o with a higher complexity of information, the time of judgment is statistically significantly higher than with a lower complexity of information. o with a higher complexity of information, the information overload of supervisors is statistically significantly higher, than with a lower complexity of information. o with a higher complexity of information, the confirmation advantage of supervisors is statistically significantly higher than with a lower complexity of information. o Information processing style has a moderated effect on the relationship between information overload and quality and time of judgment. o Information processing style has a moderated effect on the relationship between confirmation bias and quality and time of judgment. • Use the literature list in this document if it is possible. You may use also other relevant references.

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