Research Paper Assignment
This paper is investigative in nature and will allow you to experience several aspects of
the supply chain from different angles.
In today’s global world, some countries have indicated that they plan on providing
incentives for products manufactured at home. For example, both the United States and
China have indicated they would like to see incentives for producing products within their
borders. Before beginning the paper, you will read several articles on these policies.
The goal is for you to develop in-depth knowledge of a company’s supply chain and
to make critical analytical assessments regarding the impacts to a supply chain if
countries decide that product must be made within the country.
Before starting to work on your paper, please do the following:
1. Read and/or review at least three to five of the following attached articles for
background on “Made in USA” and “Made in China”. Please note: The first article
contains the ten sectors, page 10, which we have referred to in the assignment
Made in China 2025: Global Ambitions Built on Local Protections
CSIS: Made in China 2025 Analysis (
Foreign Firms Wary of ‘Made in China 2025,’ But It May Be China’s Best
Chance At Innovation
Ensuring the future is made in all of America by all of America
Presidential Executive Order on Buy American and Hire American
Complying with the Made in USA Standard
Made in America: Helping Revitalize U.S. Manufacturing
China Hastens A Global Move to Electric Cars
2. Complete your Topic Proposal Submission:
Choose a company that falls within the ten industries China is focused on.
Assume your company does business or will do business, in both the United
States and China.
Consider what processes would need to be different for at least three aspects of
the supply chain if the company must comply with both a “made in China” and
“made in USA” policy.
A brief summary of your understanding of the Made in China 2025 program and
your definition of Made in USA
Write a brief summary of how you will approach both Made in China and Made
in USA
Include a reference list.
Things to keep in mind:
When thinking about sourcing components/raw materials, please assume
that both the United States and China want their manufacturing companies
to procure raw materials domestically, if possible.
You may substitute another country, with advance instructor approval, if you
can provide evidence that another country is also looking to produce
product within their borders.
Here is a list of supply chain processes/topics you may want to choose from. You may add
to this list. The topic you select must be included in your initial submission.
Supply Chain Strategy
Logistics (Transportation, Warehousing, Packaging, Sourcing, Reverse Logistics)
Balanced Scorecard/Performance Measurement
Integration Initiatives
Power dominance
Production Planning
Order Fulfillment
Vendor Managed Inventory
Paper Specifics
Double-spaced using MS Word.
Length – Minimum – 10 pages / Maximum – 15 pages.
For each of the three topics you chose, make critical analytical assessments
regarding the impacts to the companies supply chain if the company is to comply
with both made in USA and made in China policies.
Figures and charts must be prepared and included in the body of the paper to
support your analysis, arguments, and conclusions.
A literature search and endnotes are appropriate. Internet-based citations are
acceptable, but books, scholarly papers, peer-reviewed articles, white papers, and
professional articles are also required. Please make use of the Champlain Library
web site for access to books, research papers, and professional articles. For tips on
how to access and use the library, please click on the library icon on the left-hand
navigation bar in canvas. In addition, I am including a link
( to a series of
videos on how to use our online library.
Key Dates
Topic Proposal Submission Deadline – no later than Wednesday Week 3. The
proposal should provide sufficient background with respect to the scope of the
selection and why the student is choosing this particular company. You are
encouraged to research and select a company as early as possible. At a minimum,
your proposal will include: The name of the company you have selected, the three
core supply chain topics you will address, a brief summary of your understanding of
the Made in China 2025 program and your definition of Made in USA, a brief
summary of how you will approach both Made in China and Made in USA, and a
reference list. It’s understood that this is not a complete reference list.
The instructor will provide timely feedback on the acceptability of the proposed
company. Instructor approval of a proposed company must be secured no later
than Week 4.
Due Date for Final Paper submission: Submit through Canvas by 11:59 on
Sunday of Week 7.
The paper is worth 100 points (15% of the total course grade).
Your paper will be graded using the following criteria:
Appropriate and Relevant Experience: Application of core supply chain topics
relevant to the assignment; clear evidence from course readings, lecture and
external materials; the use of research to support arguments should be
demonstrated by using charts, graphs, or other pictorial evidence.
Innovation and Critical Thinking: Analysis goes beyond the scope of presented
materials; solutions or positions based on well-supported conclusions; multiple
stakeholder positions are considered; paper considers positions from more than
one point of view
Professional Language and Style: Paper follows a traditional research paper
format; paper contains no grammatical errors; professional in nature; APA style
( is used for references and
contains no errors.
Overall: Paper meets the full assignment as described above plus the first three
criteria listed.
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