Target Market Descriiption and Market Research (why are we choosing a specific market? Growth trends? Prevalence of a disease? etc.)
Market Plan:
A key component of stellar retail pharmacy is to provide medication and healthcare services readily available to individuals. The convenience of a local
pharmacy is often overlooked. It allows patients to skip the time-consuming disadvantages of making an appointment with your primary care provider in
order to obtain the medical attention needed. Pharmacies provide medication, immunizations, and education in order to promote patient health and wellbeing. And with that, patients are still refusing to get into their car, drive to the pharmacy, and wait in lines to stay up-to-date with their immunizations and
medications. Even today, people are avoiding unnecessary errands due to COVID-19, are too sick to leave home, or too busy to visit the pharmacy despite
needing healthcare attention. A survey conducted in March of 2020 consisting of United States consumers, 31.2 percent of the 524 online respondents
stated that if confined to their homes during the coronavirus, they were likely to purchase prescriiptions, over the counter medicines, and seek vaccinations
remotely. “Home care products followed in second, with around 40 percent increase relative to 2019…This statistic depicts the increase in dollar sales of nonedible grocery categories in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak in the United States in March 2020.” (Chevalier, 2021). Imagine the growth in sales if
patients didn’t have to leave the comfort of their homes.
With intentions of reallocating pharmaceutical resources, DriveRx seeks to provide standard local pharmacy services directly to the comfort of patient
homes. The company seeks to efficiently provide patients immunizations, medications, and over-the-counter drug products via delivery service in order to
promote patient adherence and convenience. Applications for the delivery service of immunizations involves an automated database where patients can
request services and products through DriverRx via an app or phone line. Taking retail to a whole new level, we wish to condense a standard pharmacy
practice into a van, having immunizations and over-the-counter products disposable to deliver to patients. While immunization rates remain suboptimal, we
hope to be able to mix, deliver, and administer vaccinations held in mobile coolers right to patients’ front doors. Our goal is to reduce barriers associated with
disparities in the uptake of immunization and medications services in the community pharmacy setting. This will hopefully increase the percentage of
vaccination rates, increase OTC sales, and deliver healthcare services to those that demand and require convenience options.