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Quantitative Methodology

Type of Assessment: Assessment 3 – Individual Written Report

Unit Learning Outcomes addressed:

(a) Demonstrate an advanced ability to identify, assimilate, and review applications of, particular research techniques.

(b) Identify various means of data collection that are feasible and can be ethically enacted.

(c) Articulate and critically evaluate differences between alternative research methodologies.

(d) Explain how research outcomes may be affected by the nature and application of particular research techniques.

(e) Demonstrate an advanced ability to construct a robust methodology for addressing a research question.

(f) Explain how the use of selected methodologies is relevant to a specific research proposal.

Criteria for Assessment:

 Preliminary analysis  Hypothesis testing and data analysis  Interpretation of findings  Academic writing

Submission Date: Week 12 Sunday at 11.59 pm

Total Mark & Weighting:

35 marks | 35%

Students are advised that any submissions past the due date without an approved extension or approved extenuating circumstances incur a 5% penalty per calendar day,

calculated from the total mark e.g. a task marked out of 15 will incur a 1.75-mark penalty per calendar day.

Task description


Uber, a ridesharing service company has recently entered the Nepalese market, and its service has been received by some people. Like any product or service, customers’ adoption and usage are essential for the survival of the firm. Thus, like any other services, there might many factors that have influenced riders to adopt and use Uber services. However, from the existing literature, empirical studies on factors determining ridesharing service adoption is scarce, especially in emerging economies. Thus, a study is being conducted to address this gap in the literature. The social exchange theory forms the basis of the study. The researcher designed the research model shown in figure 1 and developed hypotheses H1-H5(see below the research model). Based on the research model shown in figure 1, data was collected from some Uber riders in Nepal. The data is available in Exo (see Week 12 folder).

Figure1: Research Model


H1: Consumer need for prestige has a positive effect on riders’ continuous usage intentions

H2: Trust has a positive effect on riders’ continuous usage intentions

H3: Customer return investment has a positive effect on riders’ continuous usage intentions

H4: Convenience has a positive effect on riders’ continuous usage intentions

H5: Search benefit has a positive effect on riders’ continuous usage intentions

Consumer need for prestige

Riders continuous use Intentions


Customer return on investment


Search benefit


1. Clean the data- outliers and missing values

2. Analyse the demographic characteristics of the respondents. Create relevant chats to present your findings.

3. Normality and distribution of data – perform a descriptive analysis (mean andHy SD of the

items) and test normality (skewness and kurtosis for all items)

4. Preliminary analysis- test the following: a. Reliability (Cronbach alpha and CR) b. convergent validity (factor loading and AVE). c. discriminant validity (using correlation and square root of the AVEs)

5. Hypotheses testing: run a multiple regression to test the hypotheses (H1-H5).

6. Interpretation of findings: interpret the results from each of the analyses you have performed

(steps 2 to 5)

Important Notes: You must create relevant tables for each of the analysis (steps 2 to 4) you have done to present your findings. Place the table within the body of the test. Number the tables and refer to the relevant table to support your arguments. Cite at least one source to support your arguments. For example, if you concluded that the acceptable threshold for Cronbach’s alpha is 0.7, cite a source to support this argument. You can find relevant sources from survey papers in marketing, management, leadership and business research. Download a relevant journal article in marketing, management, leadership and business research that has used the survey research design and follow the style of reporting. If you go to the methodology section of the articles, you would find how to report the findings. Attach all the SPSS outputs as appendices. Remember to number all of them.


Use the five-point scale to answer the questions below: 1= strongly disagree, 2 =Disagree, 3= Neutral 4= Agree and 5=strongly agree

1. Gender A. Male B. Female

2. Educational Level A. Vocational/ High School B. Higher National Diploma (HND) C. University degree D. Postgraduate degree

3. Age A. 18-27 years B. 28-37 years C. 38-47 years D. 48-57 years E. 58 years and above

4. Average usage per week A. Two B. four C. Six D. Eight E. other

Consumer need for prestige 1 2 3 4 5 CNFP Using Uber taxi enhances my self-confidence CNFP Using Uber taxi makes me a worthy person CNFP Using Uber services makes my friends value me CNFP Using Uber taxi is prestigious Trust TS1 I trust that Uber services is safer TS2 I trust that Uber services is robbery-free TS3 I trust that Uber services drivers are careful when driving TS4 I trust that Uber mobile application is safe to use

TS5 I trust that Uber taxi drivers will not run away with my belongings

Social connection Using Uber services helps me get closer to important people Using Uber services connects socially me to people Using Uber services helps me develop relationships with others I feel loved when use Uber services Customer services CS1 I am greeted and welcomed by an Uber driver anytime I pick Uber services CS2 The Uber driver assist me when boarding the car CS3 Uber offers friendly service CS4 Overall , I will like customer service offered by Uber Customer return on investment CRI1 Uber service is cheaper CRI 2 Uber service has a good economic value CRI 3 Uber service gives me value for money CRI 4 Using Uber makes me feel relaxed Convenience CN1 I can get an Uber driver anytime I wanted CN2 Uber service is always accessible CN3 Payment methods for Uber service are flexible CN4 I am able to complete my journey without difficulty Search benefit SB1 It is easy to search for an Uber driver on the mobile application SB2 Uber drivers are easily available SB3 Uber services are normally closer to me SB4 It is easy to reach an Uber driver Riders continuous use Intentions RP 1 I will continue to use Uber service. RP 2 I encourage others to use Uber service RP 3 I will use Uber services more often

Marking rubrics

Report content High Distinction 85%-100%

Distinctio n 75%- 84%

Credit 65%-74%

Pass 50%-64%

Fail 0-49

Preliminary analysis (10 marks)

Student has presented relevant descriptive analyses. Relevant graphs have been used to support the findings. All required primary analyses are clearly demonstrated in tables.

Most of the descriptive analyses are presented. Most relevant graphs are presented to support descriptive analysis. Most of required primary analyses are clearly demonstrated in tables

Some of the descriptive analyses are presented. Some relevant graphs are presented to support descriptive analysis. Some of the required primarily analyses are demonstrated in tables.

Very few descriptive analyses are presented. Very few graphs to support descriptive analysis. Very few required primarily analysis is provided and demonstrated in tables.

Descriptive analysis is presented incorrectly. No Graph is presented to support the findings. Most of the required primarily analyses are missing.

Hypothesis testing and data analysis (5 marks)

All statistical methods to test the hypotheses are correctly identified and explained. All results are clearly labelled and presented in tables.

Most of the statistical methods to test the hypotheses are correctly identified and explained. Most of the results are clearly labelled and presented in tables.

Some of the statistical methods to test hypotheses are correctly identified and used. Some of the results are clearly labelled and presented in tables.

Very few statistical methods to test hypotheses are correctly identified and used. Very few results are clearly labelled and presented in tables.

Wrong analysis method has been used; failed to report at least two major steps. Results presented are confusing. Tables presented are incomplete or there are no results at all.

Interpretation of findings (15 marks)

All the findings from the primary analysis have been accurately interpreted. All the findings from the hypotheses testing are accurately interpreted.

Most of the findings from the primary analysis have been accurately interpreted. Most of the findings from the hypotheses testing are accurately interpreted.

Some of the findings from the primary analysis have been accurately interpreted. Some of the findings from the hypotheses testing are accurately interpreted.

A few of the findings from the primary analysis have been accurately interpreted. . A few of the findings from the hypotheses testing are accurately interpreted.

Findings from the primary analysis are inaccurately interpreted.

Findings from the hypotheses testing are inaccurately interpreted .

Academic writing (5 marks)

Writing is very well clear, concise, and coherent. Discipline-specific language has been used.

Arguments are supported by relevant sources.

Writing is very well clear, concise, and coherent. Discipline-specific language has been used.

Exhibits and Facts are clearly presented in support of claims.

Very little grammatical and punctuation errors.

Writing is very well clear, concise, and however, the logical flow is slightly lacking. coherent. Discipline-specific language has been used.

Arguments are not well supported with relevant sources.

Some grammatical and punctuation errors.

Reasonably organized report is presented in discipline-specific academic language.

Some grammatical and punctuation errors.

Discipline-specific language is hardly used. The arguments lack coherence and support.

Essay Mill

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