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Book Review


The book chosen must relate to a topic that is presented in our textbook (in other words, be a business/office related topic). Skim through our textbook and you will see that this does not limit you in any way, there are probably 100 different topics referred to in our text. I would prefer that you choose a book that has been more recently written although there are books that have been written quite a while ago and are still useful today. Example; The One Minute Manager is a book that has been around for years yet is still a best seller in the business arena. Time management is certainly a business/office topic. The book is small, light reading, and proven useful.

Don’t choose a book that puts a large burden on yourself, read something useful to you in your personal or professional life.

The book review must have the following three elements:

1. A summary of the highlights of the subject matter which the book covers.

2. A discussion concerning particular issues or themes covered by the book which you found most interesting or most significant. Perhaps, a certain portion of the book expressed ideas or described events which were especially provocative, or provided you with a new understanding, or raised questions which aroused your curiosity. Discuss these matters and your reaction to them. This is an opportunity to thoughtfully consider a historical subject, and to deal with the facts in a logical way which shows that you have read and understood the book. This discussion must be concerned with a subject raised by the author. It should not become a launching point for expressing un-related or un-substantiated opinions. Nor should the discussion be concerned with the style of writing of the author. Rather, it should be concerned with historical or factual content. I am looking for originality and a thoughtful response. Please refer to this particular topic with a page reference within your paper.

3. A concluding paragraph should draw together all the loose ends concerning the most important facts and understanding, which you have gotten from doing the report. Tell me also whether or not you enjoyed reading the book? Why or why not? Was it easy or difficult to understand? Did you learn a lot from reading it? It is required to connect your books information to the workplace arena. Give examples of where, when and why you could use this information. Also note some coinciding information from our text. Page numbers?

The book report must be at least four (4) typewritten, double-spaced pages, completely filled, on standard sized typewriter paper, using Calibri 12 font, not larger. It must include (not including your 4 page content) a cover page with your name, the course number, the author’s name and the title of the book. Be sure to keep a copy for yourself. The approximate maximum length should be 5-7 pages. The four (4) page content minimum is an absolute requirement.

Whenever using the words of the author or anyone else, always give credit by enclosing the quotation in quotation marks, and referring to a footnote or endnote or other acceptable reference, indicating the page number from which you have taken the quote. Failure to give credit is academic dishonesty and may result in a failing grade.

Paraphrase. Express your understanding of the book in your own words, using quotes only to support and substantiate important and controversial points which you have made.

Start early to avoid a last minute rush. Think about the meaning and significance of what you are reading. Follow the logical sequence and cause-and-effect relationship of events. Take notes as you read, and write the report in your own words. See plagiarism notes in our syllabus.

Essay Mill

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Essay Mill

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