Students will write a 2-page paper about a contemporary topic that affects nursing or nursing students.
The 2-page count is for the body of the paper and does not include the student title page, abstract page, and references page
Be sure to follow APA format 7th edition.
Be sure to include headings to help guide your reader through the sections of your paper.
Suggested Topics
Climate change as a healthcare priority
Social Determinants of Health
What can nurses do to positively influence health care policies?
Access to health care in medically underserved communities
Dress code or not for professional nurses
Evaluating the Legitimacy of health information on social media
Is healthcare a right or a privilege?
Nursing as represented in the media
Preparing for future pandemics- are we ready?
Mental health: describe the role nurses play in promoting mental health.
Examining how nurses battle the epidemic of gun violence.
Understanding nurses’ contributions in combating fentanyl-related fatalities.
Other topics as approved by the faculty