Individual Application Assignment #3 – The Power of a Brand
Purpose of Assignment:
Meet course objective #1: summarize the relationship between sociology and market research and its impact on company decision-making; #2: categorize the different types and sources of information required for marketing decision-making and choose which type is appropriate given the decision problem, and #3: critically evaluate other’s research, analysis, and strategic recommendations.
General Overview:
Some brands are so strong that they have their own mythologies. It’s a brand manager’s dream to work on such a brand or, even better, to raise their brand to that status. Harley Davidson is one such brand. Its customers are more than loyal – they love those bikes. Many Harley owners are tattooed with the brand name and imagery.
Brands are essential assets for many companies, and building and maintaining their strength is a crucial marketing task that involves all of the marketing mix. A brand is more than a design or a concept. It is a combination of values that promises customers the solution to their problems or an answer to their needs.
Assignment Specifics:
For this assignment, please select any consumer brand that interests you – you are free to choose!
This application assignment should be written as if you were an outside consultant asked to summarize and critique a brand’s strength to the owner. In addition to a brief introduction (of the company) and a solid conclusion, the report will consist of two parts:
Part I – Description of Brand and Examples
First, describe the company’s brand using the information you find in the databases we have accessed this semester and the information available on their websites. Then, using 3 to 5 advertisements (of any type) as examples, describe the brand’s personality, identity, and image. Then, specifically referencing these advertisements, consider the following questions: What leads you to believe this? How do you know? What is the relationship between brand personality and brand image? Again, these answers should refer to the advertisements that you are using.
Part II – Critique of Brand and Brand Strength
Then, provide a critique of this brand. How strong is it? What do you believe its longevity is? What evidence is there that your brand enjoys high brand loyalty? What advantages does this bring to the company? If this is a global brand, how does the brand change internationally? If it’s not global, what is its potential to be international? Support your claims by using evidence from sources.
General Information
• This assignment should be 5 pages long (double-spaced, 12 pt Times New Roman font).
• If you need to include figures, put them in an appendix at the end of your paper. The appendix will not count toward the page limit. If you have figures in the text, they will count toward the page limit.
• You must use APA citation style (see link on Canvas). Please put your name on the first page, including page numbers and a “works cited” page.