Assume you are the training manager of your organization. Each year, you choose various professional development topics for employees to complete. This year, you decided that employees will be educated about white-collar crime and its effects. Prepare a 10-12 slide PowerPoint or Google Slides presentation for this year’s professional development. You can cover one or more areas of white-collar crime. These topics could be ones we have covered in the course so far or other areas of white-collar crime that interest you and that you believe employees should know about. In addition, you should provide tips (1-2 slides) on how employees can avoid becoming white-collar criminals. Ideally, the slide(s) with the tips should come just before the references slide(s).
Your PowerPoint/Google Slides presentation should include 10-12 slides (excluding the title and references slide(s)). Your references slide(s) should contain at least two references. Be sure to include pictures, transitions, etc., on some of the slides to make your presentation eye-catching. However, do not compromise the content of your presentation by focusing solely on graphics.