When teaching students to recognize words in print, teachers can use a variety of activities before, during, and after reading to help students understand words, word meanings, and how words go together. Utilizing appropriate strategies that incorporate print concepts will help increase students’ word recognition skills.
Use the “Recognizing Words in Print Template” to complete this assignment.
Part 1: Strategies
Research and summarize, in 250-500 words, a minimum of five strategies for teaching word recognition and print concepts to elementary students with language delays or disabilities. Keep in mind strategies that help students monitor for their own errors. Within your summary, identify the conditions under which the identified strategies are intended to be delivered (e.g., content area, class setting, required resources, if intended for a specific type of disability).
Support your findings with 2-3 scholarly resources.
Part 2: Activities
Identify a small group of 2-3 kindergarten students, using the “Class Profile,” who would benefit from further development of their word recognition or print concepts skills.
Identify a text appropriate to use with the small group identified.
Draft a 250-500 word outline summarizing three activities to reinforce word recognition and print concepts, utilizing the identified text.
Be sure to incorporate at least three of the strategies from Part 1 into your activities.
Part 3: Rationale
In 250-500 words, rationalize your instructional decisions from Part 2. Be sure to explain how the identified strategies and activities enhance the language development of the students in the identified small group. Cite the “Class Profile” where appropriate.