Paper details
Remember that you are using the theory to determine if the behavior s appropriate at a given age, so the
theory needs to be specific to a given age and be happening at that point.
When completing the report, students are encouraged to use the Observation Chart and Observation Template
to help; they do not need to be submitted. They will help the student to organize observations, give ideas as to
what kinds of behaviors they should be looking for (Observation Chart), and offer suggestions for
developmental theories they may want to connect their observations to (Observation Template). Remember
that the observation is for just one child and 5 observations for each of the three domains need to be recorded.
The Child Observation Report Rubric can then be used to assist a student in putting all the information from the
Observations into a written report, not a chart. Namely, the observations and related theories will be compiled
and put in paragraph form. Each paragraph will cover both observations and related developmental theory for a
given developmental area (Physical, Psych-Social, and Language/Cognitive)