Sudan: Homosexuality
Paper details:
PowerPoint(slider) 3 minutes video I′m Presentations this topic(write a summary about the topic so I can summary.) this is not part of the paper( separate) Running Head Title, Name, Abstract 100 words or less Checklist for research paper: I. Follow the most recent APA guidelines for a. format b. internal citations c. bibliography II Follow the requirements of the assignment a. focused topic b. 5 pages of text (not counting cover page or bibliography) c. minimum of 3 sources d. use nothing larger than a 12-point font e. double space the paper III Edit carefully for a. clear, focused thesis statement b. clear, recognizable structure c. clear, logical organization d. well supported, well developed ideas IV. Proofread carefully for a. grammar b. spelling c. sentence structure d. format V. Avoid a. the second person (you) b. slang c. informal language d. unsupported generalizations e. losing topic focus f. relying heavily on one source g. plagiarism (be sure to cite both paraphrase and quotation) 15 VI. Have someone proofread your paper. VII. Run spell check program just before you print the final copy. VIII. Read through the final copy to be sure no printing glitches occurred; don’t assume everything worked. APA Paper Format: A research paper outline (APA format) will have the following pattern. 1. The title page • the title • the running head • the page number • the name of the author • the course title • the name of the professor • the date of submission. 2. The introduction • the topic • the scope of the topic • the nature of research • relevant background information • the thesis statement 3. The body paragraphs I, II and III • the first, second and third main points respectively • the explanation • the discussion • the justification • presentation of evidence • in-text citations (in (author, date) format) • footnotes (for the additional information on the text) 4. The conclusion • the summary of the main points • thesis reinstated • discussion of further scope for research on the topic • the concluding line. 5. References 16 • text sources • Internet sources, etc. APA Citation Format