The purpose of this assignment is to reflect on the information, understanding, and questions students gather as they build their knowledge base on artbased learning in early childhood education.
Develop a digital reflective videos using the Educreations app. Make sure to speak, draw, and test different features of this app before you submit your
reflective videos. Your reflective video will include your reflection as you think about you developing knowledge dealing with art-based learning in early
childhood. Use the following questions to help guide you:
What connections do you draw between the course content, concepts, and your prior understanding of art-based learning in early childhood?
What ideas, positions, or assumptions do you want to challenge or argue with in the course content, dealing with growing knowledge of arts-based learning
in early childhood?
What key concepts or ideas do you think are important and worth holding on to from the text and assignments?
What changes in attitudes, thinking, or action are suggested by the text, either for you or others?
Your instructor will be able to watch your video through the Website.
In case you are not able to use Educreations, you may use any of the platforms below to complete this assignment.
Video Scribe (Links to an external site.)
Moovly (Links to an external site.)
Academic Presenter (Links to an external site.)
Animaker (Links to an external site.)
Just remember that I need to hear your narration.
How to Submit Assignment:
Share your assignment with your instructor via email. Also, take a screenshot of the video and upload it in the assignment dropbox.
Access the Digital Reflective Video Rubric.
Access the Dropbox Rubric.