‘The trivial considerations and shabby horse-trading that went into the making of the decision, so farreaching in its foreseeable consequences, to withdraw from east Suez are still a cause of wonder, even in an
age which has afforded so many examples of wretched incapacity on the part of British government.’ ( J.B.
Kelly, Arabia, the gulf and the west).
– Discuss with particular references to the withdrawal from Aden and the Gulf.
– 6000 words including footnotes but not bibliography.
– Use Saul Kelly and J.B. Kelly books as main references.
– Have an introduction stating the that the formal reason behind the retreat from Aden and the Gulf are not the
actual reasons for retreat based on Saul and J.B. Kelly’s books.
– Use other resources as books, articles and websites from various others publishers.
– Have a main body with two main headlines, departure from Aden and the the departure from the Gulf.
– Have a conclusion in the end stating and supporting your idea from the introduction.