Within your Neighbourhood Plan group, each member compiles, analyses and presents a detailed baseline
report on agreed topics contributing to the Neighbourhood Plan. Within the group, each individual report
focuses on a different set of issues as agreed in the group (e.g. environment, population, economy, housing,
infrastructure, services etc.). The individual report must include an introduction and a rationale for the
evidence presented, relevant data extracted from credible sources, analysis maps, a narrative supporting the
analysis, and a conclusion highlighting key issues arising from the analysis.
A more detailed assignment brief for the baseline report will be provided. Remember to cite all data sources,
and other references used in the report following the Harvard referencing system.
Weighting: 50%
Length: 2,500 words max
My individual report will be focusing on the economy of the area (office and industry; retail not included).
For this assignment, the writer MUST be experienced about extracting and analysing qualitative and
quantitative data, including statistical analysis and visual & photographic analysis. It is preferable that the
writer have some knowledge about using GIS and other mapping softwares as the report will include some
maps. If the writer is not capable of collecting the data from the neighborhoud, he/she can contact me to
collect the data from Hulme neighborhoud (whether visual or statistical data). Please have a look at the
PowerPoint file which contains a more detailed description of how to write the report (the structure of the
report and what the report should include). I also attached other important files on how to gather
evidence/data. The writer should take advantage of all the attached documents and follow the guidelines. I
will attach more useful files in the future.