The topic that you identified in Part One of this assignment will be briefly described in the first paragraph of Part Two.
Topic: Data Security in the cloud computing
List a number of guiding questions to help you find information on your topic.
Did you have to modify these questions and how did this revision of your questions help you to find relevant information.
This section should be approximately one page double spaced.
The next two pages will be an annotated bibliography following either MLA or APA format.
You must have four sources. Your bibliography should be arranged in alphabetical order using the last name of each author or by title if there is no author. Give all reference information following proper citation form.
This can be found online by researching a number MLA or APA reference materials. After each citation, write a short paragraph including the following information:
1) brief summary of the source;
2) evaluate the source considering such things as reliability and currency;
3) indicate how you will use the source in your own work.
Include at least one source that you will not use and state reasons why you will not include this source. This source will be included in the required four sources.