PowerPoint Presentation Overview
The full assignment and grading rubric are available on Week 1 Information: Culture PowerPoint Presentation Guidelines
Week 1 Information: Culture PowerPoint Presentation Guidelines
You will be developing a Culture PowerPoint Presentation throughout this course. The purpose of this Culture PowerPoint Presentation is to become more aware of needs of specific culturally diverse populations. To do this, you will examine cultural values and beliefs, identify illness beliefs and practices, and research specific components of healthcare planning that provide safety, quality, and culturally-sensitive nursing care to culturally diverse populations.
Students are expected to select a nursing conceptual model or theory that can be linked to promoting culturally competent care to their culturally diverse population.
Culture PowerPoint Presentation meets NU716 course objectives #2–6 and doctoral level objective 8.
Presentation Criteria:
• You must use the PowerPoint Template for the entire Culture PowerPoint Presentation assignment throughout the course.
• Title Slide must include your name and the name of your chosen population.
• Reference Slide(s)
• Include graphics that help support your text (for example, graphs or tables). You must give proper credit in APA format for the graphics or tables you include in your Power Point presentation.
• Create no more than 15 slides excluding the title and reference slides.
• Use the same reference style on each slide as you would when writing a paper. Be certain to refer to the APA information on preparing a PowerPoint Presentation in proper APA format.
• Developed your presentation according to APA Guidelines, 7th ed. Please see Purdue Online Writing Lab for how to prepare a PowerPoint Presentation in proper APA format.
o Review the How to Format a PowerPoint Presentation in APA Style (Website) for more information
Please note: Below information/instructions is for the current assignment
For this draft submission, you will research data that supports reasons why your chosen culture or population is diverse and vulnerable. You will add the data that you find to your presentation. This section of the Culture PowerPoint Presentation should be 4–5 slides in length.
For this draft, you have the opportunity to complete as much of the PPT as possible in order to receive meaningful feedback from the instructor to make improvements prior to final submission. You will not be graded on quantity, however, the more that you send the more specific your feedback will be.
Please refer to the Grading Rubric for details on how this activity will be graded.
I have attached my PowerPoint presentation for Week 1&2 joined together, the references slides will help identify the 1st and the 2nd part. You just have to continue adding slides when addressing the PowerPoint presentation question. Some corrections have been recommended, so please make every correction per APA 7th edition. I will also upload the 1st PowerPoint with correction recommended in it before I merged them together
Below are questions for the 1st & 2nd part to let you know what I worked on.
For week 1
For Part 1A of the Culture PowerPoint Presentation, you will choose a culturally diverse population from the list provided. (I chose Black American from the list)
Guidelines for the Culture PowerPoint Presentation Part 1A:
• Provide rationale as to the criteria that makes this a culturally diverse population.
• Provide a minimum of 5 references from peer-reviewed, scholarly journal articles supporting what makes this a culturally diverse population.
• Provide one paragraph on what most intrigues or interests you about this culturally diverse population.
For week 2
Please complete the following for Part 1B of your Culture PowerPoint:
• Answer the following questions and add these to your presentation.
o Why is this a vulnerable population?
o What percentage of the population in your state or community is comprised of this vulnerable population? Please use demographic data and support your findings.
Also, below are the recommended corrections for part 2 slides. Please include the “descriptive title” that is recommended. For more information or questions, please contact me, thanks!
PPT Part 2 recommended Corrections from the instructor
Need descriptive title representative of your pop
Need objectives (see last week’s guidelines)
Needed to submit last week’s installment with all edits (making more focused on your population) in order to get the 100 instead of the 50. See announcement about this. Only this installment was submitted.
Did not capitalize U S despite prior feedback. Can put in-text citations in smaller font.
status does not (rather than do not)
Be mindful of total slide length when doing each installment.
Your ref heading says “continued” but it’s the only slide of refs.
Fix formatting of latter part of Noonan citations.
Fix caps of article titles. Need italics in ref list. See my prior APA feedback.