5/9/2020 Activity #10: Reflection and Peer Evaluation
https://miamioh.instructure.com/courses/113235/assignments/1328751 1/1
Activity #10: Reection and Peer Evaluation
Due Thursday by 11:59pm Points 14 Submitting a text entry box
Available until May 14 at 11:59pm
Submit Assignment
This assignment is to be completed individually. Please respond briefly to the following questions:
1. A reflection of the country report project:
What did you learn?
What do you like about it?
What can be done differently?
Feel free to offer any suggestions to improve the project or propose something new. Thank you!
2. Evaluation of group members
What would you say is your share of contribution to the project?
Please evaluate the contribution of your group members. If possible, please provide specific
information on which member completed or failed to complete which activity. Your response is
only accessible to the instructor.