My Background is travel management company.
Industry: Travel
Here are instructions:
A one page visual and description of your value strategy.
1) The first part is your strategy canvas that illustrates your unique value, along with the alternatives.
a) The strategy canvas should include the competitive factors for your industry and/or related industries, and any new ones you have added, and it should chart the value for you and the alternatives (the competition).
b) Below the strategy canvas should be a summary of WHY your value curve is unique. This could include the process you used (i.e. 6 Paths Framework and/or the Eliminate-Reduce-Raise-Create method) to assess and create your unique value curve. You don’t need to go through each point, just explain WHY you’ve created this value curve for the target user.
2) The second part should identify at least one primary user, where your unique value curve matches up for higher levels of satisfaction. This should include the most important/relevant points of the following:
Identifying tag line or quote (written to quickly communicate key goals and needs)
Most salient needs
Specific qualities of thinking
Specific qualities of behaving
Things they might say
Marketplace evidence